christ man these are terrible opinions.
Honestly what do you think is stronger for Radiohead, the productions/arrangements or the songwriting
Honestly what do you think is stronger for Radiohead, the productions/arrangements or the songwriting
People love Radiohead for their melancholy vibe. They don’t claim to be or parade as master songwriters with multi layered themes and s*** to read into lol
With that being said, yes they are overrated on sites like RYM. they don’t have 4 10/10s lol
Mf always wanna say radiohead is mid, and when you ask who to listen to instead, they name an artists who's best work doesn't even clear The Bends
Honestly what do you think is stronger for Radiohead, the productions/arrangements or the songwriting
The songwriting because when I hear “songwriting” I’m thinking about the harmonics and movements of the music.
I don’t know if that’s what you’re trying to ask me though.
People love Radiohead for their melancholy vibe. They don’t claim to be or parade as master songwriters with multi layered themes and s*** to read into lol
Idk I see Ok Computer get a lot of credit as a concept record about the modern age
People even claim Kid A is a concept record about a clone
People love Radiohead for their melancholy vibe. They don’t claim to be or parade as master songwriters with multi layered themes and s*** to read into lol
thom and jonny never come across as snooty either. they seem pretty chill
People love Radiohead for their melancholy vibe. They don’t claim to be or parade as master songwriters with multi layered themes and s*** to read into lol
Idk I see Ok Computer get a lot of credit as a concept record about the modern age
People even claim Kid A is a concept record about a clone
That all comes from loosely related lyrical themes and a general album vibe. They didn’t set out to make a concept album like a prog band would, that’s just how it came together
What you doing here is letting an obnoxious fanbase cloud how you view a band
Idk I see Ok Computer get a lot of credit as a concept record about the modern age
People even claim Kid A is a concept record about a clone
They will use themes but it’s never anything deep.
I also don’t understand what “deep” is
The songwriting because when I hear “songwriting” I’m thinking about the harmonics and movements of the music.
I don’t know if that’s what you’re trying to ask me though.
Yeah but production and arrangement (especially arrangement) factors in to that too
I do think they have good chord progressions and stuff like that
But the non-melodies (seeming to deliberately avoid being catchy and just kind of hiding behind a reverby track) and lyrics just aren’t special
I think the rest of the band carries Thom Yorke tbh
“But the non-melodies (seeming to deliberately avoid being catchy and just kind of hiding behind a reverby track)”
oh he’s a troll
Yeah but production and arrangement (especially arrangement) factors in to that too
I do think they have good chord progressions and stuff like that
But the non-melodies (seeming to deliberately avoid being catchy and just kind of hiding behind a reverby track) and lyrics just aren’t special
I think the rest of the band carries Thom Yorke tbh
what’s a non-melody? avoid being catchy? Bro, I just think Thom like’s writing music in non-conventional ways, lol. That’s just what he has a taste for.
In rainbows is rly good bot kid a and OK computer are another level
Idk how u hear karma police an electioneering without being moved
what’s a non-melody? avoid being catchy? Bro, I just think Thom like’s writing music in non-conventional ways, lol. That’s just what he has a taste for.
Yeah because writing a decent melody would be too pedestrian. After The Bends his pretentiousness prevented him from writing good melodies
Try these songs
Fake Plastic Trees
Street Spirit
Paranoid Android
Karma Police
No Surprises
Everything In It's Right Place
The National Anthem
How To Disappear Completely
Pyramid Song
Knives Out
I Might Be Wrong
There There
A Wolf At The Door
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
The Numbers
and you should probably have a narrow but well enough overview of their sound. Not necessarily my favs (my fav would be Let Down from OK Computer) but I think that would be a good start.
Yeah but production and arrangement (especially arrangement) factors in to that too
I do think they have good chord progressions and stuff like that
But the non-melodies (seeming to deliberately avoid being catchy and just kind of hiding behind a reverby track) and lyrics just aren’t special
I think the rest of the band carries Thom Yorke tbh
damn you sound more pretentious than the average radiohead fan
If it doesn’t click naturally it’s not worth trying with Radiohead. I also don’t really like radiohead
Yeah because writing a decent melody would be too pedestrian. After The Bends his pretentiousness prevented him from writing good melodies
I think you’re reaching for something here
Can he not just enjoy weirder music? He shares playlists of what he listens to and it’s just as weird — if not weirder than the s*** he writes.
People love Radiohead for their melancholy vibe. They don’t claim to be or parade as master songwriters with multi layered themes and s*** to read into lol
As a producer I think the way radiohead songs progress and the way the songs are constructed is their strongest characteristic. Also love how varied and eclectic their music is