his albums through to Pablo are more of a victory lap (TCD being a pre-emptive victory lap), they're super indulgent and over the top, ye and JIK is taking things back to basics and just making songs about what he's feeling specifically at the time as opposed to thinking critically about what the album should be
No i mean its a victory lap for me.
Meaning he already finished the race & anything after is just extra. Just a metaphor for how i personally feel about his output & focus after yeezus, & the length of his career.
Ye & JIK are bad projects to me while TLOP personally is ok/mediocre (no disrespect to anyone who does genuinely like them overall), but for me he's already had such a lengthy career & produced my fav album of all time, Late Registration.
So even tho i personally havent liked much since after yeezus aside from KSG & a few songs from the other 3, im not mad at it. He's already done enough for -me-. Its all just "extra" now, & if he's still able to surprise me once in a while like KSG (which is currently my 4th fav Kanye album), then thats a huge bonus for myself.
Regardless tho, every modern project has still had at least 2 or bit more songs i really enjoy, even if i dont enjoy it a lot as whole.
The kanye that i personally liked & was really into has finished the race.
MBDTF encapsulated the past & present to create the future , it cannot age. It was the amalgam of all music itself.
MBDTF seemed to have aged poorly because it’s otherworldly quality killed the future of traditional music and caused a drastic shift . Kanye knew this himself that’s why he switched gears so hard with Yeezus
Definitely not top 3. As of today, I gotta go
1. Yeezus
2. The Life of Pablo
3. 808s & Heartbreak
How old are you out of curiosity @op ?
How old are you out of curiosity @op ?
I hope you’re not gonna use my age as justification for calling my taste in music s***ty, that would be a really basic take. But I’m 24 haha, became a fan around Yeezus era.
I hope you’re not gonna use my age as justification for calling my taste in music s***ty, that would be a really basic take. But I’m 24 haha, became a fan around Yeezus era.
Interesting 🤔
Interesting 🤔
This was just a thought I had today and I’m trying it out to see if it fits. For the longest time I just had MBDTF at #2 in my ranking defacto. But I never hungered to return to it as much as say, Pablo.
feel like post 2016 ye albums have been like semi retirement epilogue stuff anyway. JIK and Ye more of a personal musical snapshot of his mental state in that moment of time instead of legit actual projects.
out after the first sentence l
i'm ready
Hot take
1 - JIK
2 - Yeezus
3 - 808s
4 - CD
5 - TLOP
6 - Grad
8 - LR
9 - ye
Hot take
1 - JIK
2 - Yeezus
3 - 808s
4 - CD
5 - TLOP
6 - Grad
8 - LR
9 - ye
this is the weirdest f***ing ranking
this is the weirdest f***ing ranking
That just shows how great his albums are. There is no definitive ranking. Everyone has a different favorite/list.
That just shows how great his albums are. There is no definitive ranking. Everyone has a different favorite/list.
Imagine disrespecting MBDTF
Everything ages eventually!
I'm probably in the top two fiercest defenders of Yeezus on here, but you'll never see me disrespect MBDTF in the process.
It's a classic.
Hot take
1 - JIK
2 - Yeezus
3 - 808s
4 - CD
5 - TLOP
6 - Grad
8 - LR
9 - ye
How can JIK be #1 when it ships worst..... by a long shot
How can JIK be #1 when it ships worst..... by a long shot
The content and amazing songs make it my personal #1. The album really spoke to me on a personal level.
MY list isn’t going to be the same as yours, and that’s ok.
Music is subjective. We don’t all take it in the same way.
Hot take
1 - JIK
2 - Yeezus
3 - 808s
4 - CD
5 - TLOP
6 - Grad
8 - LR
9 - ye
1 - LR
2 - Yeezus
4 - (KSG)
5 - 808s
6 - CD
7 - GRAD
8 - (WTT)
9 - TLOP
10 - (CS)
11 - JIK
12 - Ye
1 - LR
2 - Yeezus
4 - (KSG)
5 - 808s
6 - CD
7 - GRAD
8 - (WTT)
9 - TLOP
10 - (CS)
11 - JIK
12 - Ye
Yeezus appreciation