  • Mar 11, 2021
    1 reply

    lmao no
    if anything I wish runaway was longer

  • Mar 11, 2021

    JIK being first and ye last is crazy, cause to me they compliment each other so well

    They do, and I’ve actually grown to appreciate ye over the years. It’s definitely his most personal album.

  • Mar 11, 2021
    3 replies

    I’m so sorry guys, I think I know what happened. I was showing my brother the album. Sometimes when I show someone something and I sense from their energy that they don’t like it, it makes me like it less. I’m hardly conscious of it, but it’s a character flaw in me. It’s like when I thought Once Upon A Time In Hollywood was a boring movie but that was just cause I was watching it with people who thought it was boring. I sense people’s discomfort and it makes me feel uncomfortable, it’s hard to fight the feeling.

  • Mar 11, 2021

    I’m so sorry guys, I think I know what happened. I was showing my brother the album. Sometimes when I show someone something and I sense from their energy that they don’t like it, it makes me like it less. I’m hardly conscious of it, but it’s a character flaw in me. It’s like when I thought Once Upon A Time In Hollywood was a boring movie but that was just cause I was watching it with people who thought it was boring. I sense people’s discomfort and it makes me feel uncomfortable, it’s hard to fight the feeling.

    That’s why I don’t show people s*** lmaoooo can’t let them ruin my vibe

  • Mar 11, 2021

    I’m so sorry guys, I think I know what happened. I was showing my brother the album. Sometimes when I show someone something and I sense from their energy that they don’t like it, it makes me like it less. I’m hardly conscious of it, but it’s a character flaw in me. It’s like when I thought Once Upon A Time In Hollywood was a boring movie but that was just cause I was watching it with people who thought it was boring. I sense people’s discomfort and it makes me feel uncomfortable, it’s hard to fight the feeling.

    this happens to me too bro, no worries.

  • Mar 11, 2021

    Runaway solo should be 3 days long

  • Mar 11, 2021

    Nah I think songs like Monster, Blame Game and Gorgeous go too long but the Runaway solo never gets old

  • Mar 11, 2021

    This album... is aging a little poorly. I actually sympathize with Anthony Fantano a little bit. There’s a lot of songs that stretch on too long. One thing I really appreciate about Yeezus, and even his later work, is nothing feels wasted. You’re not thinking, I’m ready for this to move on to the next musical idea, you’re just IN the music. MBDTF is the thirty minute drum solo. I just feel like other Ye albums have more flow. I’ll say it. The Runaway solo goes on too long. No one wants to listen to the Chris Rock skit. I wish Gorgeous had more instrumental change to justify the length.

  • Mar 11, 2021

    Yeah if definitely drags at points

    That’s why Yeezus and TLOP are better

  • Jonboi

    I’m so sorry guys, I think I know what happened. I was showing my brother the album. Sometimes when I show someone something and I sense from their energy that they don’t like it, it makes me like it less. I’m hardly conscious of it, but it’s a character flaw in me. It’s like when I thought Once Upon A Time In Hollywood was a boring movie but that was just cause I was watching it with people who thought it was boring. I sense people’s discomfort and it makes me feel uncomfortable, it’s hard to fight the feeling.

    I know what you mean

  • Mar 11, 2021
    1 reply

    Ye really took that high art elitist s*** and made a rap album out of it

    It’s deeper than the music tbh and witnessing him pull that off in real time felt like a full circle moment. I been listening to rap my whole life and been a Ye fan since CD dropped. Dark Fantasy really is that different. It was a Thriller moment for rap. The perfect mix of “real” hip hop, pop, rock, and soul. The hits, the emotions, the backstory. With all that in mind the music ALWAYS gonna hit fr

    I’ll never be able to view the album as just a collection of songs that serves as a capsule of the times. S*** was monumental for a mainstream rap artist to pull off. Niggas not even doing that now and we 10 years removed from the album. It’s still the standard. S*** is aging gracefully. The ending of Runaway drags along but outside of that all those layers throughout the album are necessary. Rap songs don’t have a bunch of guitar solos, bridges, dialogue/poetry that adds to the subject matter. Niggas haven’t caught up to that yet. Bro was really showing folks what level he can take his music. S*** was like a masterclass for producers and rappers

    That album will be dissected and praised for decades to come. There are people who became rap fans because of that album and a lot of those folks still don’t even realize the importance of Dark Fantasy bc they didn’t see how the game was before it dropped

  • Mar 12, 2021
    the end

    TLOP #1

    Hell yeah brother!

  • Mar 12, 2021

    This is partially Kanye's own fault but it's not a coincidence that this opinion has only gained some steam in the past two years, after stream hungry labels and artists have made 2 minute songs the norm.

  • Mar 12, 2021
    1 reply

    Y’all please stop talking s*** about MBDTF. It’s one of the greatest albums of all time. No slander will be tolerated.

  • Mar 12, 2021
    Nayvadius Wilburn

  • Mar 12, 2021

    Y’all please stop talking s*** about MBDTF. It’s one of the greatest albums of all time. No slander will be tolerated.

  • Mar 12, 2021

    Ye really took that high art elitist s*** and made a rap album out of it

    It’s deeper than the music tbh and witnessing him pull that off in real time felt like a full circle moment. I been listening to rap my whole life and been a Ye fan since CD dropped. Dark Fantasy really is that different. It was a Thriller moment for rap. The perfect mix of “real” hip hop, pop, rock, and soul. The hits, the emotions, the backstory. With all that in mind the music ALWAYS gonna hit fr

    I’ll never be able to view the album as just a collection of songs that serves as a capsule of the times. S*** was monumental for a mainstream rap artist to pull off. Niggas not even doing that now and we 10 years removed from the album. It’s still the standard. S*** is aging gracefully. The ending of Runaway drags along but outside of that all those layers throughout the album are necessary. Rap songs don’t have a bunch of guitar solos, bridges, dialogue/poetry that adds to the subject matter. Niggas haven’t caught up to that yet. Bro was really showing folks what level he can take his music. S*** was like a masterclass for producers and rappers

    That album will be dissected and praised for decades to come. There are people who became rap fans because of that album and a lot of those folks still don’t even realize the importance of Dark Fantasy bc they didn’t see how the game was before it dropped

    worded it perfectly. it's a testament to how groundbreaking that album is that literally no one has even tried to match that sound still. and he did that s*** when he needed to make a big comeback.

    it feels like folks aren't afraid anymore to transcend the genre and try new s*** after MBDTF. turned mainstream rap on its head.

  • pneu
    Mar 12, 2021

    Seems like you just have a short attention span for music fam. Like you can’t sit with music for 5 minutes unless it has beat changes to satisfy your desire to move on. That’s what streaming era will do to ya

    And honestly don’t get aging comments after a certain point because of course the album sounds like the era it was made in we are going on 11 years like what

    Well said.

  • crazy that you said that op bc i was just listening to mbdtf and i was thinking about this album and... it’s aging a little poorly.

    i actually sympathize with fantano a little bit. there’s a lot of songs that stretch on too long. one thing I really appreciate about yeezus, and even his later work, is nothing feels wasted. you’re not thinking, “i’m ready for this to move on to the next musical idea” you’re just IN the music. mbdtf is the thirty minute drum solo, yk what i mean?

    i just feel like other ye albums have more flow. f*** if i’ll say it, the runaway solo goes on too long! nobody tryna hear that dumbass chris rock skit
    wish gorgeous had more instrumental change to justify the length

  • Mar 12, 2021

    Seems like you just have a short attention span for music fam. Like you can’t sit with music for 5 minutes unless it has beat changes to satisfy your desire to move on. That’s what streaming era will do to ya

    And honestly don’t get aging comments after a certain point because of course the album sounds like the era it was made in we are going on 11 years like what

    don't want to sound like a boomer but this is pure facts

    lots of newer s*** is made to compete for your attention. This means shorter songs, the hihats, extremely digestible writing

    if you exclusively listen to that and become accustomed to it, it'd probably be difficult to enjoy anything else

  • Mar 12, 2021

    Ye got 4 blassics....


    At this point it doesn't matter the order

  • Mar 12, 2021
    1 reply

    Edge lords itt.

  • Mar 12, 2021

    lmao no
    if anything I wish runaway was longer

  • Mar 12, 2021

    OP stop tryna put your weak ass attention span on people

  • Mar 12, 2021
    Lord Quas

    Edge lords itt.