Awww 😭😭😭 what will we all do without you
are you braindead? where in that post i said i was leaving?
She can literally do a PA
This applies to all artists that have backup musicians
Unless you’re Beyonce or thundercat you can literally just do a PA and people will be happy
Making excuses when we s*** on rappers depending on a PA system
Making excuses when we s*** on rappers depending on a PA system
Not only that but how big is the venue?
A basic pa system aint gon extend beyond like a small small venue. And if we making artists have to LOWER they venues way below what they sell on average, that’ll open up another can of worms lol.
At the end of the day music is like the nba. Only the 1% are going to make it, get your degree or learn a trade fam
Well I guess it is at this point since y'all want to treat it that way. These executives still taking most of the cut of the pie along with livenation controlling the tour industry.
We're about to enter a weird time for music with more musicians not being able to afford to spend time to work on their craft
And when you get booked, you damn near gotta weigh the exposure vs the payment.
Bigger artist should def be giving them a “free” look but that’s another conversation for another day I guess.
A “free” look woulda contradict that whole capitalism thing
We REALLY need back is venues that had a dedicated clientele that would show up because of the type of music that the venues usually would book.
Helped a lot of indie bands that aint had no fans develop one just by building off of spots like cbgb
If jamila woods is really about music for the art then she’ll still do it as a hobby knowing it comes at a loss money wise, but still have a side job to make ends meet
But she not doing that cause at the end of the day she just wants a bank
Oh you're the f***ing worst. This should be a paying job if you're able to sell out shows. The money should pay for everyone wtf.
This is why when bigger artist say “just tour” it sounds so disingenuous because touring for smaller artist is a different world.
And now even the bigger artists struggling to sell out arenas
Heads gon start rolling over at live nation before this decade over