This was great. You kinda have to excuse the incompetence of the school staff and some unrealistic aspects like the students caring this much lol but if you let the movie be a movie it’s really entertaining. As soon as it gets going it doesn’t stop. I wish we could’ve gotten a resolution but oh well. Idk if it gets to count for 2024 since it was nominated for last years Oscar’s but if it does it’s currently in my top 10 oty
Training Day
Horrible movie. Every aspect about it is misleading. Not a horror movie. More of a “trapped in a house thriller”
Fellowship of the Ring - 10/10
Two Towers - 10/10
Return of the King - 10/10
I really enjoyed my first viewing of the lotr trilogy. I would rank them as RotK > Fellowship of the Ring > Two Towers. Each movie is a masterpiece in its own right
Deadpool 2 - 7/10
Pretty funny. Good action. Watched it because I never saw it and I’m going to watch deadpool and Wolverine later this week. Colossus, Juggernaut, and Fire Fist were cool. Brolin killed it as Cable. I think I like it more than the first one, but to be fair, I haven’t seen the first one since it dropped in 2016
I watched this film at my local independent theater with a live score by Montopolis.
It was spectacular.
Based off Dore's illustrations of Dante's Inferno it really captures something special. Considered the first blockbuster, making 2mil in 1911 (63mil today).
But without the live score I'm not sure I would feel the same way. The music was absolutely sensational. Truly elevated the art to a whole new level.
mods really combined the threads smh
the two threads were huge too.. makes no sense.
his was f***in awesome train ride
bloody martial arts - non stop action
Wish this gained more traction
I haven’t watched an animated show this relatable in forever. I’m so peeved it was cancelled after 13 episodes. This show had the potential to be a long running classic. The characters are some of my favorite ever and the voice acting across the board is fantastic. the last episode in particular was perfection. highly recommend binging this on Youtube when you get the chance.
meh, fun but coulda been better especially with such a great cast
Trailer made it look very generic
Barbarian (2022) 7/10
think it was @Bruises who recommended this to me a lifetime ago? That and another 2 but I forgot them. Fun movie