  • man that was amazing

  • Jul 9, 2023
    3 replies

    dont think ilsa is actually dead



  • this felt very different than the other missions of mcquarrie because of the whole AI being the villain. lowkey was scarier than before because of how smart they made the AI

    also easily the funniest mission imo

  • Jul 9, 2023
    1 reply

    the big parachute jump didnt rlly hit for me tbh. really loved the rome scene and the train stuff tho

  • Jul 9, 2023
    1 reply

    dont think ilsa is actually dead



    Can you imagine Nicholas Hoult playing Gabriel glad he dropped out, Esai killed it

  • Jul 9, 2023
    1 reply

    Can you imagine Nicholas Hoult playing Gabriel glad he dropped out, Esai killed it

    wait he was supposed to play THAT

  • Jul 9, 2023

    the big parachute jump didnt rlly hit for me tbh. really loved the rome scene and the train stuff tho

    The train climb>>>>>>>> but they’re saving the real crazy stuff for part Two so i dont mind tbh

  • Jul 9, 2023

    wait he was supposed to play THAT

    Yeah he departed during the pandemic lmaooooooooo

  • Jul 9, 2023

    Great plot / story, one of the stronger ones in the MI franchise but man I felt that the action was hella mid ngl.

    The parachute jump was hella mid.

    I enjoyed the premise more than the action.

    Enjoyable movie though don't get it twisted.

  • Jul 9, 2023

    the mission is actually possible

  • Jul 11, 2023

    RIP Ilsa

  • Classic

  • Jul 11, 2023

    so excited for paris to join the squad

  • Jul 11, 2023

    great movie holy s***tttt

  • Jul 11, 2023

    dont think ilsa is actually dead



    i hope they dont fake her out two times now : /

  • Jul 11, 2023

    After Indiana Jones the car chase and train sequence here felt so refreshing and fun.

  • Jul 12, 2023
    2 replies

    Fun movie. I don’t put it above Fallout, Rogue Nation, or Ghost Protocol tho

    • Feel like they shouldn’t have done the Elsa fake out death if they were planning to kill her off
    • Grace is a very hard character to like and I love Altwell. She just kept running away with the key and not listening. At a certain point (at the party) she knew she had been hired by White Widow and heard Esai speech about her or Elsa dying yet still ran off with the key. Why does she still want the key at that point? It led to Elsa dying and the only consequence of that was that she joins IMF and Ethan promises to protect her
    • Pom character reasoning for switching was kinda weak but they needed a way for Ethan to learn where the key goes so I get it
    • Felt like the CIA agents didn’t really need to be here. Made it feel overcrowded at some points
  • Jul 12, 2023
    1 reply

    Also the Widow mask Grace wears didn’t change the eye color. I don’t remember if it that was always the case with the masks or if AI made it malfunction but what was the point of that decision? I thought it’d come into play later but even her brother didn’t recognize her eye color being brown instead of blue

    Was it just for the audience to differentiate?

  • Jul 12, 2023

    That train falling sequence with them running through the carts was a stand out action sequence for me

  • Jul 12, 2023
    Mac Wit Da Cheese

    Fun movie. I don’t put it above Fallout, Rogue Nation, or Ghost Protocol tho

    • Feel like they shouldn’t have done the Elsa fake out death if they were planning to kill her off
    • Grace is a very hard character to like and I love Altwell. She just kept running away with the key and not listening. At a certain point (at the party) she knew she had been hired by White Widow and heard Esai speech about her or Elsa dying yet still ran off with the key. Why does she still want the key at that point? It led to Elsa dying and the only consequence of that was that she joins IMF and Ethan promises to protect her
    • Pom character reasoning for switching was kinda weak but they needed a way for Ethan to learn where the key goes so I get it
    • Felt like the CIA agents didn’t really need to be here. Made it feel overcrowded at some points

    def big agree with the last 3 points

  • Jul 12, 2023

    One of the best franchises going man,

  • Jul 12, 2023

    Some of the AI stuff gave me strong Person of Interest vibes

  • Jul 12, 2023
    1 reply

    dont think ilsa is actually dead



    The AI is gonna replicate them all. I'm guessing that ball is going to act like a holodeck too. Idk they could really go big here. Will be fun

  • Jul 12, 2023

    How did that Paris chick not have brain damage from ethan banging her head against the brick walls in that alley

  • Jul 12, 2023
    1 reply

    That final sequence on the train where the cars kept detailing was nerve wracking as f***