i b feeling like the man when i walk thru…
ain’t understanding what u sayin when i walk thru…
i got all these 🙆🏼♀️🙆🏻♀️🙆🏽♀️🙆🏾♀️🙆🏿♀️ staring when i walk thru…
5 12 packs of protein bars
1.3lb tub protein powder
4 20packs of liquid IVs
Some vitamins and s***
$96 haul at vitamin shoppes clearance bin today
5 12 packs of protein bars
1.3lb tub protein powder
4 20packs of liquid IVs
Some vitamins and s***
$96 haul at vitamin shoppes clearance bin today
what vitamins you taking and what is the liquid iv suppose to help you with
idk man today's leg day was brutal i think it was the bar i use the squat bar that has the ruff part in the middle so the bar does not slide when i squat its a big game changer compared to the ones that dont have it
what vitamins you taking and what is the liquid iv suppose to help you with
Liquid IV is just electrolytes. Different brand, usually a bit pricy for my taste but the clearance price was wild
I just got some vitamin D and calcium/magneisum. I’m on a severe cut right now I’ll take some electrolytes to avoid cramping. Calcium and magnesium to avoid deficiencies on this PSMF(protein sparing modified fast) I’m doing for the next couple weeks
I was about 210 before I took a 4 week break/mini bulk and then some s*** happened and I ended up falling into a depressive episode and next thing I knew I was 240 in just 4 weeks
Lot of water weight and bloating lol but I slowly crawled out of my depression hole and started moving again. 3 weeks later I’m back around 215 and have more strength back than when I took the break. To speed it all up I started the PSMF last week, and I want to keep this deficit going at least 3 more weeks and reevaluate. I’ll probably end the PSMF and do a more moderate deficit but one that’ll allow my training volume to increase.
5 12 packs of protein bars
1.3lb tub protein powder
4 20packs of liquid IVs
Some vitamins and s***
$96 haul at vitamin shoppes clearance bin today
vitamin shoppe clearence sxn has the best deals im always checking there
Is 4k calories per day too much? I’m 6’3, 195lbs for reference. I lift 3-4x a week, play sports 3-4x a week as well. I’m trying to keep body fat percentage as low as possible.
Is 4k calories per day too much? I’m 6’3, 195lbs for reference. I lift 3-4x a week, play sports 3-4x a week as well. I’m trying to keep body fat percentage as low as possible.
everyone's metabolism and exercise intensity is different but that sounds like a lot try tracking your calories for a week and see how much you're eating and adjust it according to how you feel. I usually take my TDEE as a guideline but it's not the bible
I was about 210 before I took a 4 week break/mini bulk and then some s*** happened and I ended up falling into a depressive episode and next thing I knew I was 240 in just 4 weeks
Lot of water weight and bloating lol but I slowly crawled out of my depression hole and started moving again. 3 weeks later I’m back around 215 and have more strength back than when I took the break. To speed it all up I started the PSMF last week, and I want to keep this deficit going at least 3 more weeks and reevaluate. I’ll probably end the PSMF and do a more moderate deficit but one that’ll allow my training volume to increase.
how do you get yourself out of a funk and get reenergized/make sure to find the time to lift?
I am going through a nasty funk rn and havent been able to string any consistent level of lifts together for weeks on end now.
how do you get yourself out of a funk and get reenergized/make sure to find the time to lift?
I am going through a nasty funk rn and havent been able to string any consistent level of lifts together for weeks on end now.
it's human you just gotta do it one day at a time and it'll become a habit in november and december i only worked out like once a week now i've been 6 days per week again, just gotta get the wheels in motion and it'll get easier everytime
Damn just found out bodybuilding.com forum got deleted
Part of internet history gone that's crazy
vitamin shoppe clearence sxn has the best deals im always checking there
It really is. There’s one near my work so I’ll often just see what they got in the clearance corner. Plus every weekend they usually have a $1 promo on energy drinks or protein bars
Damn just found out bodybuilding.com forum got deleted
Part of internet history gone that's crazy
Damn just found out bodybuilding.com forum got deleted
Part of internet history gone that's crazy
my friends and i were on there all the time way back it was the best
how do you get yourself out of a funk and get reenergized/make sure to find the time to lift?
I am going through a nasty funk rn and havent been able to string any consistent level of lifts together for weeks on end now.
Man it’s not easy but for me a lot of it is simply getting it in. If I don’t workout I don’t have the energy to workout and then it makes it harder to get back in there. You just gotta go and keep going and you’ll have more energy to get back in
Make it a priority. Go to bed on time and get your lifts in to start the day.
how do you get yourself out of a funk and get reenergized/make sure to find the time to lift?
I am going through a nasty funk rn and havent been able to string any consistent level of lifts together for weeks on end now.
you gotta push yourself and be your own self motivator and not look to social media or others for it