wanna do heavy deadlifts and squats on seperate days. what are the lighter variations those 2 so i can pick my favorite? i know stiff legged deadlift is one of them
wanna do heavy deadlifts and squats on seperate days. what are the lighter variations those 2 so i can pick my favorite? i know stiff legged deadlift is one of them
I just do trap bar deadlifts
wanna do heavy deadlifts and squats on seperate days. what are the lighter variations those 2 so i can pick my favorite? i know stiff legged deadlift is one of them
Front squat, goblet squat, overhead squat, single leg squats, paused high bar squats
Front squat, goblet squat, overhead squat, single leg squats, paused high bar squats
if u had to pick one which is the lightest squat variation?
if u had to pick one which is the lightest squat variation?
Just on the basis of weight moved I’d say goblet or single leg squat. But it’s gonna be very dependent on your goals. Ie if your goal is overall leg development vs athleticism
Just on the basis of weight moved I’d say goblet or single leg squat. But it’s gonna be very dependent on your goals. Ie if your goal is overall leg development vs athleticism
i meant like which one requires the least recovery
i meant like which one requires the least recovery
I would say goblet then probably
I would say goblet then probably
thnx. front squat works too for this purpose?
thnx. front squat works too for this purpose?
Front squat I think is a bit too taxing if you’re worried about recovery. Front squat is even more taxing than back squat tbh, but the strength carryover is ridiculous!
Front squat I think is a bit too taxing if you’re worried about recovery. Front squat is even more taxing than back squat tbh, but the strength carryover is ridiculous!
oh rly? then ill do goblet squat on my off days. got anything less taxing than Stiff legged deadlift?
oh rly? then ill do goblet squat on my off days. got anything less taxing than Stiff legged deadlift?
Rack pulls and trap bar deads
Rack pulls and trap bar deads
with still a deadlift variation i mean
edit: oh trap bar deads
gyms hopefully opening mid october
gonna feel like i'm 17 again working out with so much passion
i need some motivation
i had a good run from last sept to dec but then i got covid and haven't been back at it since
just go. you dont have to do a full routine. just do what u can
Rack pulls and trap bar deads
gonna try out trap bar dl for my volume days because convential deads kill me if im doing high volume
gonna try out trap bar dl for my volume days because convential deads kill me if im doing high volume
Yeah conventional and high volume is a STRUGGLE. You’ll see all the benefits, except strength I guess, from trap bar anyway
gyms hopefully opening mid october
gonna feel like i'm 17 again working out with so much passion
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