can somebody explain the logic behind bulking first & then cutting? dont u lose muscle while losing weight so ur back to square 1?
can somebody explain the logic behind bulking first & then cutting? dont u lose muscle while losing weight so ur back to square 1?
In most instances you need to gain weight to pack on muscle, in a lean bulk you won't really need to cut because you didn't aggressively put on both fat and muscle. If you dirty bulk and then cut you will lose some muscle that you put on but if your training and eating enough protein youll keep alot of it
can somebody explain the logic behind bulking first & then cutting? dont u lose muscle while losing weight so ur back to square 1?
if your protein intake is high enough on the cut you won't lose much muscle at all
In most instances you need to gain weight to pack on muscle, in a lean bulk you won't really need to cut because you didn't aggressively put on both fat and muscle. If you dirty bulk and then cut you will lose some muscle that you put on but if your training and eating enough protein youll keep alot of it
so if i gain 1 kg (maybe 2) per month thats considered a lean bulk?
so if i gain 1 kg (maybe 2) per month thats considered a lean bulk?
id say 1 for sure is a lean bulk. Thats my current method. It's slow but after 4 months lifting It's paying off. I started off kind of skinny fat and I still think I have a bit of fat but there's more muscle and shape too me now.
id say 1 for sure is a lean bulk. Thats my current method. It's slow but after 4 months lifting It's paying off. I started off kind of skinny fat and I still think I have a bit of fat but there's more muscle and shape too me now.
alright i can shoot for 1 kg. so eating at a maintenance level doesnt pack on muscles as much im assuming?
alright i can shoot for 1 kg. so eating at a maintenance level doesnt pack on muscles as much im assuming?
greg doucette talks about main gaining, but I think its more for when youre at the weight you wanna be and then body recomp
greg doucette talks about main gaining, but I think its more for when youre at the weight you wanna be and then body recomp
its funny to hear such a buff dude with a high pitched voice. how does that happen
its funny to hear such a buff dude with a high pitched voice. how does that happen
He does it for the videos, he has a deeper voice regularly if you look up some of his older vids
Trying to figure out how to protect my rotator cuff and back, those seem to be most prone to injury, I used to get pins and needles and now after doing some intense pressing my left back rotator cuff is feeling a full pain. Guess I just need to stretch it out and warm it up the most
alright i can shoot for 1 kg. so eating at a maintenance level doesnt pack on muscles as much im assuming?
Eating at maintenance WILL pack on just as much muscle as a surplus especially if you’re still a ‘new lifter’. By new I mean under 3-5 years of proper training. At the advance stage it becomes a bit more debate-able but even then as long as you’re above a certain body fat percent(for most people this would be 9-15%) you can still gain muscle on maintenance.
Eating at maintenance WILL pack on just as much muscle as a surplus especially if you’re still a ‘new lifter’. By new I mean under 3-5 years of proper training. At the advance stage it becomes a bit more debate-able but even then as long as you’re above a certain body fat percent(for most people this would be 9-15%) you can still gain muscle on maintenance.
you still eating cottage cheese at night ?
I paid the price bro
Them 3 protein shakes a day had my stomach doing triple raiz flips. Had to cut back to 1-2
I know your booty stank
Feel so weak coming back to the gym, but God it feels so good getting a pump again.
I'm weak and skinny fat rn, but bulking season is upon us
bruh this work out was so ass cause my nutrition was ass too now i know to get most of my cals before the workout
Got a quad pump from hex bar deadlifts even more so than squats
Maybe I will try RDLs instead I want to strengthen my hams