  • Dec 23, 2022

    Just finished kingdom come. F***ing amazing man. I pretty much love anything Alex Ross touches

  • Feb 21, 2023
    2 replies

    Whatsup guys im looking for ''Fall Of Cthulhu'' omnibus but its been out of print, any comic book fans in here who can help me out and point me towards a place where i can cop?

    Its 200 dollars on ebay without shipping included so that's a bit too much for me lol

  • Feb 25, 2023

    Whatsup guys im looking for ''Fall Of Cthulhu'' omnibus but its been out of print, any comic book fans in here who can help me out and point me towards a place where i can cop?

    Its 200 dollars on ebay without shipping included so that's a bit too much for me lol

    when books hard to find i usually jus download em and read on ipad unless its something i read before and i want a physical copy

  • Feb 25, 2023

    Whatsup guys im looking for ''Fall Of Cthulhu'' omnibus but its been out of print, any comic book fans in here who can help me out and point me towards a place where i can cop?

    Its 200 dollars on ebay without shipping included so that's a bit too much for me lol

    Nah. Once a collected edition goes OOP, particularly Omnibus, you'll either have to fork over the cash or wait for a reprint unforunately.

    You could get lucky and find it on FB Marketplace or something like that but yeah, even a Half Priced Books marks up omnibus.

  • Mar 3, 2023
    1 reply

    The Human Target is going to be remembered as a modern classic

  • Mar 10, 2023

    The Human Target is going to be remembered as a modern classic

    You think so? Seems like Tom King been on a roll as of late, but all his maxi series feel…. So similar

  • Apr 19, 2023
    2 replies

    finally finished Hickman's FF4 run, absolutely incredible

  • Apr 20, 2023
    Mac Foley

    finally finished Hickman's FF4 run, absolutely incredible


  • Apr 22, 2023

    Starting southern b******s

  • Br00ses 🐣
    Apr 24, 2023
    1 reply

    In this storyline Daredevil is taking care of a baby

    the mom claims she didn't have s***and thst the baby is the Savior

    An old man claims the baby is the antichrist and tells daredevil to kill the baby

    Daredevil is gonna kill the baby until his mother talks to him about God

    Daredevils ex has aids and the old man convinces her that the baby is the reason she has aids so she wants to kill the baby

    Kevin Smith shut up omg

  • Apr 24, 2023
    1 reply

    In this storyline Daredevil is taking care of a baby

    the mom claims she didn't have s***and thst the baby is the Savior

    An old man claims the baby is the antichrist and tells daredevil to kill the baby

    Daredevil is gonna kill the baby until his mother talks to him about God

    Daredevils ex has aids and the old man convinces her that the baby is the reason she has aids so she wants to kill the baby

    Kevin Smith shut up omg

  • Br00ses 🐣
    Apr 24, 2023

    Its absurd and like taking itself completely seriously so it makes it worse

  • Apr 24, 2023

    Didn’t feel this needed a separate thread but
    What are some essential graphic novels?

    I like interesting art styles, sci fi concepts, psychological s***, mystery, thrilling stories, and just overall weird niche s***

    Asterios Polyp

  • May 5, 2023
    2 replies

    Trying to catch up on Comics i started reading the Dawn of X comics. I reached just before the X of Swords crossover started but I'm only enjoying Hickman's title. Is it worth to read the events or should I skip it and read the rest of Hickman's run (also it is still good after he leaves)?

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Trying to catch up on Comics i started reading the Dawn of X comics. I reached just before the X of Swords crossover started but I'm only enjoying Hickman's title. Is it worth to read the events or should I skip it and read the rest of Hickman's run (also it is still good after he leaves)?

    its solid event so why not. after hickman x books been pretty good for the most. i like x-men, x-force, x-men red, immortal x-men and wolverine right now

  • rano 🇧🇷
    May 18, 2023
  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply
    gordon bombay

    its solid event so why not. after hickman x books been pretty good for the most. i like x-men, x-force, x-men red, immortal x-men and wolverine right now

    Gerry Duggan's run has been incredible

  • May 19, 2023
    1 reply
    Mac Foley

    Gerry Duggan's run has been incredible

    the main flagship X-Men title has literally been f***ing great since Hickman started and after others took over. I kinda fell off on the other stuff tho

  • May 19, 2023
    1 reply

    Trying to catch up on Comics i started reading the Dawn of X comics. I reached just before the X of Swords crossover started but I'm only enjoying Hickman's title. Is it worth to read the events or should I skip it and read the rest of Hickman's run (also it is still good after he leaves)?

    are you only reading X-men stuff rn or are you reading other stuff as well?

  • May 19, 2023
    1 reply

    the main flagship X-Men title has literally been f***ing great since Hickman started and after others took over. I kinda fell off on the other stuff tho

    House of X might be my favorite X-Men arc ever

  • May 19, 2023
    1 reply
    Mac Foley

    House of X might be my favorite X-Men arc ever

    House of X/Powers was just wild bro. So fresh and new, but then still very much X-Men. Hickman def was the right dude for that lil reboot

  • May 19, 2023

    are you only reading X-men stuff rn or are you reading other stuff as well?

    Haven't read a comic since I made that post only find time for them during vacation nowadays.
    But I plan on reading Empyre before I read that X-Men event. Was a huge fan of Young Avengers and The Ultimates when they came out.

    What are the best things that came out recently from Marvel/DC ? Stopped keeping up when DC did that relaunch

  • tha7osavage

    House of X/Powers was just wild bro. So fresh and new, but then still very much X-Men. Hickman def was the right dude for that lil reboot

    update op bro lets frrs do book club wit something

  • May 19, 2023
    1 reply

    From marvel other than x books: moonknight, daredevil and fantastic four

    DC just had relaunch event again and theres lots of first issues been dropping for last few months and out of those superman and doom patrol been cool, first issues of superboy (conner), green lantern, green arrow, cyborg, titans and shazam where nice, theres new indian superhero black-op team called vigil and first issue was nice. Flash and action comics are dope. And geoff johns is writing jsa books again and I like them. Tom Kings danger street been cool mini series been solid read
