I am pretty bummed that the new Ultimate line of Marvel comics are gonna be monthly releases. But both Ultimate Spider-Man and Black Panther started off on a very high note. Happy to see they are looking to go all out with their potential. Looking forward to Ultimate Spider-Man #2 in a couple weeks then Ultimate X-Men next month.
X-men with interiors by peach is pretty wild. Weird at the same time but I know people gonna eat it up
I feel like I might have asked this question before, but does anyone read Valiant Comics?
I feel like I might have asked this question before, but does anyone read Valiant Comics?
I did for a minute during one of their “many” reboots lol but it happened to be during a good reboot so I wasn’t trippin. Ima find u a list of some of the s*** I peeped
I did for a minute during one of their “many” reboots lol but it happened to be during a good reboot so I wasn’t trippin. Ima find u a list of some of the s*** I peeped
ultimate spiderman pretty good so far
ultimate invasion was good also
hickman writing alien vs avengers in july also gonna be sick
hickman on a legendary run for marvel rn
he straight carrying the whole label by himself
Crossover event stories are very annoying
Like I don't wanna go and randomly read Nightwing #5 to understand the story taking place in Batman
huge hickman fan but this doom one shot was some ass
i dont know what its picking up from and i dont know what its leading to s*** was pointless
idk maybe im missing out on a larger story
Crossover event stories are very annoying
Like I don't wanna go and randomly read Nightwing #5 to understand the story taking place in Batman
yeah s*** like that is stupid but the og marvel civil war was sick crossover u dont have to read anything but the main series to understand but all the tie in issues made the story better and were fire hy themselves as well
yeah s*** like that is stupid but the og marvel civil war was sick crossover u dont have to read anything but the main series to understand but all the tie in issues made the story better and were fire hy themselves as well
Oh yeah I meant specifically when they make it like necessary to jump around to different series
It's very lame
Oh yeah I meant specifically when they make it like necessary to jump around to different series
It's very lame
I mean now I just have DC universe so it's not even as bad as it used to be
I can't imagine having to go out and like buy these Everytime they did that
I mean now I just have DC universe so it's not even as bad as it used to be
I can't imagine having to go out and like buy these Everytime they did that
yeah i bought an old 90s amazing spiderman annual backissue the other day and then i realized it was part 1 of 3 that continued in ant man and doctor strange lmao
dc does that s*** more than anybody to this day tho its the reason i buy collected editions years later instead of keeping up with current issues
Oh yeah I meant specifically when they make it like necessary to jump around to different series
It's very lame
yeah reading x-men can be brutal cause of this
Breaks my heart ngl used to watch this dudes vids all the time on YT
Can someone please explain to me why frank miller gets no love? Is it cause he's a racist?
been wanting to get into superman comics lately, and started with secret identity. I read the entirety of the four volumes in one day. This comic was something else man. Very grounded and a nice introduction to the character as a whole. highly recommend!
Can someone please explain to me why frank miller gets no love? Is it cause he's a racist?
yeah it's that and his art style got way too punk for most people
yeah it's that and his art style got way too punk for most people
I mean people still love the dude despite all that I just think recent s*** of his has def fell off but the mf old as f*** anyways
I mean people still love the dude despite all that I just think recent s*** of his has def fell off but the mf old as f*** anyways
naw definitely past his prime but everything he puts out still worth a look at least
naw definitely past his prime but everything he puts out still worth a look at least
haven't done anything good in 20+ years or something
his recent artwork really sucks