Imagine being a fan of rap and not listening to Rakim
literally anyone under 21
pathetic ass people tbh
lmao bro you sound like such a loser for judging young people for not listening to old ass music there’s a whole world of rap that tons of people are far more enamored with than rakim’s discog
and you can talk about it being an essential but not everybody is going into rap looking to be some artiste or encyclopedic loser like you
lmao bro you sound like such a loser for judging young people for not listening to old ass music there’s a whole world of rap that tons of people are far more enamored with than rakim’s discog
and you can talk about it being an essential but not everybody is going into rap looking to be some artiste or encyclopedic loser like you
that world of rap is trash
lmao bro you sound like such a loser for judging young people for not listening to old ass music there’s a whole world of rap that tons of people are far more enamored with than rakim’s discog
and you can talk about it being an essential but not everybody is going into rap looking to be some artiste or encyclopedic loser like you
it's also an accessibility thing too cause even tho you should listen to what you like music is also a social thing as well so ofc most ppl are gonna keep up with current s*** so they can connect with people easier
You can’t compare apples to oranges man two totally different albums in every single way
it's also an accessibility thing too cause even tho you should listen to what you like music is also a social thing as well so ofc most ppl are gonna keep up with current s*** so they can connect with people easier
idk if what i said here makes sense but i hope it does
stop being a pretentious nerd
Imagine not being pretentious... That's why rap is in the state that it is now