  • Sep 30, 2024
    Troy Ave Stan

    Dorks that say WFH is boring for sure got nobody to love them back at home

    2nd post itt no likes no quotes besides me

    that user was right really just talking to yourself

  • Sep 30, 2024
    1 reply

    Unrealistic other than COVID but okay we can’t ever go around ppl or we’ll get diseases because that has happened everywhere

    idk what youre saying man, you may wanna rephrase that. im saying if people can work and quarantine than they should, not every job requires a workplace. if you can't than workplaces need to enforce social distancing, masking, and should be required to install high quality air filtration systems. its both a public health and workplace safety issue.

  • Sep 30, 2024
    1 reply

    idk what youre saying man, you may wanna rephrase that. im saying if people can work and quarantine than they should, not every job requires a workplace. if you can't than workplaces need to enforce social distancing, masking, and should be required to install high quality air filtration systems. its both a public health and workplace safety issue.

    name 1 contagious disease serious enough where that’s relevant bc humans have been working around eachother for millennia and stuck together in the modern idea of gathered workplace buildings like that being common for a century plus

  • Sep 30, 2024
    · edited

    name 1 contagious disease serious enough where that’s relevant bc humans have been working around eachother for millennia and stuck together in the modern idea of gathered workplace buildings like that being common for a century plus

    bro is arguing against a safer workplace, your boss must have your nuts in a vice grip

  • Sep 30, 2024

    Lames mad cuz they have lost the place where they can assuredly do SA, power tripping, bullying

  • Sep 30, 2024

    if Melz is arguing for it it must be some bullshit

  • Sep 30, 2024

    we need to stop wfh for the sake of me and my workwife

    this post was funny as f*** I'm surprised nobody noticed lmao

  • Sep 30, 2024
    2 replies
    hot pancakes

    i can see the isolating argument - because it can be - but i think that the way more work is job/position dependent. i wfh and have pretty much the same amount of work as when i was in the office

    Yeah for sure it's position dependent. I'm just swamped and it sometimes feels like it's because I'm remote and expected to be able to work later than usual.

    Being isolated is also not mentally healthy. I'm spending 8-10hrs a day at my desk all alone.

    Hybrid is definitely the future. I gotta hop on that ASAP

  • Sep 30, 2024
    Mac Wit Da Cheese

    I think it depends on where you’re at in life too. I can understand why people right out of college may want the social aspect that comes with being in an office of peers. It could be a harsh transition going from being around people in college to then WFH 5 days a week living in whatever city you found a job in and looking to make new friends plus a significant other

    I think as they get older and get in a relationship they may start to prefer WFH

    Definitely as a new grad in the tech sector, it's beneficial to get that irl support and mentorship to understand how to do your job and how things work in the overall industry. You get exposure to the bigger picture just by overhearing conversations around the office that you would never be apart of online.

  • Sep 30, 2024

    Yeah for sure it's position dependent. I'm just swamped and it sometimes feels like it's because I'm remote and expected to be able to work later than usual.

    Being isolated is also not mentally healthy. I'm spending 8-10hrs a day at my desk all alone.

    Hybrid is definitely the future. I gotta hop on that ASAP

    Honestly I just need to find a new job that's hybrid or remote but doesn't have me f***ed up with all the work like I got now

  • Sep 30, 2024
    3 replies

    WFH employees should have mandatory software for eye tracking and screen recording so that they are only paid during the times they’re truly working

  • Sep 30, 2024
    Shampoo Bracelets

    WFH employees should have mandatory software for eye tracking and screen recording so that they are only paid during the times they’re truly working

    Bro really wants us to work like in 1984 smh

  • Sep 30, 2024

    Are you gay?? Saying I like socializing at work bc a lot of them is women is creepy??? Women hit on me at work don’t get it twisted buddy I don’t hit on them

    Some of u really try to make being a man a bad thing.. insane times we live in

    you're delusional. stop harassing those poor girls at work bud

  • Sep 30, 2024

    Real men commute 2 hours each way, waste $30 on Chipotle for lunch, and show up even when sick

  • Sep 30, 2024

    i havent been to an office in almost a year and i plan on never needing to go to one again the downsides are all individual ive been pretty high performing from home and as long as coworkers are responsive collaboration is no issue

  • Sep 30, 2024

    Also, interacting with your coworkers in person is not a real social interaction. Get a life. Get actual friends.

    Most of the time, yes

    I don’t hang out with my white coworkers or old ass dudes

    My coworker on my shift is super chill. We chilled outside of work went clubbing, laser tag, tripped on edibles etc. You can meet cool people at work!

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Sep 30, 2024
    1 reply
    Shampoo Bracelets

    WFH employees should have mandatory software for eye tracking and screen recording so that they are only paid during the times they’re truly working

    physical employees should wear location bracelets so the employer knows if they waste company time taking a s*** or smoking an extra cig

  • Sep 30, 2024
    4 replies
    lil ufo

    physical employees should wear location bracelets so the employer knows if they waste company time taking a s*** or smoking an extra cig

    I agree. Smoke and bathroom breaks are just ways people avoid responsibility and feed their addictions

    I even had a coworker once who was breastfeeding and they allowed her 30 min break every 2 hours so she could pump milk. What a load of bullshit.

    Regardless, none of that is as bad as work from “home” employees getting paid to create traffic and eat at restaurants and play video games in their living rooms

  • Sep 30, 2024
    Water Giver

    This can all be easily remedied if jobs let the person pick individually

    You know, flexibility and creating more productivity from the person by letting them work in a personal confortable enviroment?

    One that want to work most days in can, and those that want to work most days out can

    Dont know why yall are always arguing for extremes on totality

    Thats why you have no control now in the market

    I’m all for choice. I worked at a company where they let us choose if we wanted to work in the office or not.

    We could just simply reserve a seat the day before if we wanted to come in..

    ..No one on my team ever did lmao. but I appreciated that they gave us a choice.

    We also had team meetings every Friday where we just played games and talked about non work stuff

    My company now is 100% remote because corporate is like 16 hours away from me so I don’t have the choice to come in, but I’m fine with that also.

    I think it’s a perk to offer the choice, and it’s super outdated to force a work in office mandate. It’s really out of touch

  • Sep 30, 2024

    I think he’s right when he said it’s not healthy to WFH for a full week. You can really feel the effects of that closer to the end of the week. Having it split up half-half is the best imo.

    But the way he wrote that post was really off putting

    I don’t disagree with isolation and potential physical health effects as negatives, but those have nothing to do with forcing people to come in. if the job is able to be done at home, people should have the choice

    Any potential Isolation and physical health issues can be remedied while WFH anyway

  • Sep 30, 2024

    Yeah for sure it's position dependent. I'm just swamped and it sometimes feels like it's because I'm remote and expected to be able to work later than usual.

    Being isolated is also not mentally healthy. I'm spending 8-10hrs a day at my desk all alone.

    Hybrid is definitely the future. I gotta hop on that ASAP

    Yeah I will add that I hate companies with WFH policies that expect employees who WFH to “work more”. That’s just stupid and out of touch and shows they lack understanding of the future job marketplace

    I totally get the isolated feeling. I’ve been WFH since 2020 and it can get lonely. That’s why I ensure I get out on the weekends and I am lucky that I live with my partner so after the workflow day I’m not alone as well

    Walks during the day help also

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Sep 30, 2024
    1 reply
    Shampoo Bracelets

    I agree. Smoke and bathroom breaks are just ways people avoid responsibility and feed their addictions

    I even had a coworker once who was breastfeeding and they allowed her 30 min break every 2 hours so she could pump milk. What a load of bullshit.

    Regardless, none of that is as bad as work from “home” employees getting paid to create traffic and eat at restaurants and play video games in their living rooms

    you sound jealous af my guy

  • Sep 30, 2024

    I envy you WFH motherfuckers.

    Facts. Would do it if I could. Unfortunately doesn't make sense with the job I have so I'll probably never be able to do it

  • Sep 30, 2024
    1 reply

    A.I is gonna take these slop white collar jobs soon anyways

  • Shampoo Bracelets

    I agree. Smoke and bathroom breaks are just ways people avoid responsibility and feed their addictions

    I even had a coworker once who was breastfeeding and they allowed her 30 min break every 2 hours so she could pump milk. What a load of bullshit.

    Regardless, none of that is as bad as work from “home” employees getting paid to create traffic and eat at restaurants and play video games in their living rooms

    Your mad at women for f***ing BREASTFEEDING