yea definitely, that's where im at. he's still capable of greatness
Like he dropped Exodus Gods and Kings and The Martian within a year from each other, it's kind of baffling in a way
someone let me know if there’s a worse cormac mccarthy adaptation than the counselor, like this guy has some abominations tied to his name
can we call it an adaptation if cormac actually wrote it?
The latter
Haven’t seen his entire filmography, but anytime I look at it he has more misses than hits
Like he dropped Exodus Gods and Kings and The Martian within a year from each other, it's kind of baffling in a way
with a good script, he can make a good film but that's kind of what doesn't really make him an auteur in my eyes. he's a legend because he's directed some legendary films very competently in his time but does he really have a visual style? a voice? i don't know. i mean sometimes he does.
He's a George Lucas type.. good in the beginning, bad at the end.. also just so @Beach_kneega can yell at me in public..
hot take: Roy Batty's epic tears in rain monologue and the overall production were the only good parts of blade runner...
...Plz don't kill me 🫣 lolol
can we call it an adaptation if cormac actually wrote it?
I actually thought it was based on a book feels even more criminal that he wrote this screenplay
Like he dropped Exodus Gods and Kings and The Martian within a year from each other, it's kind of baffling in a way
seriously top 10 worst films I’ve ever seen
He's a George Lucas type.. good in the beginning, bad at the end.. also just so @Beach_kneega can yell at me in public..
hot take: Roy Batty's epic tears in rain monologue and the overall production were the only good parts of blade runner...
...Plz don't kill me 🫣 lolol
Man shut the f*** up
He's a George Lucas type.. good in the beginning, bad at the end.. also just so @Beach_kneega can yell at me in public..
hot take: Roy Batty's epic tears in rain monologue and the overall production were the only good parts of blade runner...
...Plz don't kill me 🫣 lolol
i've only seen Blade Runner once so I won't say too much but I do think I connected with Blade Runner 2049 more.
Alien is a perfect movie, the only other thing that comes close to being an enjoyable movie from him is Thelma and Louise. Blade Runner is cool visually. I guess The Martian and The Last Duel are okay, and the rest I have seen are pretty bleh
Like I just watched The Duellists yesterday and it was so boring
Man has some of the greatest movies of all time
Blade Runner is a top 5 movie ever IMO
Can not be anything other than an absolute legend, despite the recent run of mid movies
Other than the last duel his movies post gladiator are pretty soulless lifeless and dead inside. Pretty on the outside (gorgeous sets, great actors, big budget) but very flat and bland character wise to the point where I barely remember anything about the main characters after watching
S*** like Robin Hood, kingdom of heaven, exodus etc etc just don’t really hit how they should because of this
I’m mad he had Dariusz Wolski in a chokehold for a decade, hope that man can work on better movies lol
He's a George Lucas type.. good in the beginning, bad at the end.. also just so @Beach_kneega can yell at me in public..
hot take: Roy Batty's epic tears in rain monologue and the overall production were the only good parts of blade runner...
...Plz don't kill me 🫣 lolol
The path of exile is made from such posts
He's a George Lucas type.. good in the beginning, bad at the end.. also just so @Beach_kneega can yell at me in public..
hot take: Roy Batty's epic tears in rain monologue and the overall production were the only good parts of blade runner...
...Plz don't kill me 🫣 lolol
OG bladerunner is way more emotionally effective than DV’s even if it’s incredibly slow moving, that one (DV’s) is more spectacle than anything to me
Other than the last duel his movies post gladiator are pretty soulless lifeless and dead inside. Pretty on the outside (gorgeous sets, great actors, big budget) but very flat and bland character wise to the point where I barely remember anything about the main characters after watching
S*** like Robin Hood, kingdom of heaven, exodus etc etc just don’t really hit how they should because of this
I gotta rewatch Kingdom of Heaven but I do remember connecting with Edward Norton's character
I feel like most of his career derives off of Alien, Blade Runner, Gladiator clout, and he keeps trying to replicate the first and last two’s formula to no avail
OG bladerunner is way more emotionally effective than DV’s even if it’s incredibly slow moving, that one (DV’s) is more spectacle than anything to me
Oh my God THANK YOU!
Finally, somebody explains my issue with Denis Villeneuve's take on Blade
I gotta rewatch Kingdom of Heaven but I do remember connecting with Edward Norton's character
Still haven’t watched directors cut, which so many ppl say is leaps and bounds better
Compared to his brother, Ridley is the hack to end all hacks
I have developed a unique fascination with Prometheus. I think the film is alright but I also can't stop thinking about it.
OG bladerunner is way more emotionally effective than DV’s even if it’s incredibly slow moving, that one (DV’s) is more spectacle than anything to me
Ngl I gotta watch DV's I've heard great things 🤔