Y’all stay talking about the length between Antisocial and LLF, but the actual problem was the songs on LLF being extremely mediocre
If he would’ve dropped that same exact body of work one year earlier it would’ve gotten the same exact response, the timeframe between the projects has nothing to do with the reception it received
it makes the situation worse bro
either u get it or u don't. Regardless, its the music that is ass and less about when he decides to drop!
it makes the situation worse bro
either u get it or u don't. Regardless, its the music that is ass and less about when he decides to drop!
Nah it definitely made the disappointment greater, but I see people acting like the album is actually a great body of work and everyone only disliked it because he took 2 years to drop, which isn’t the case whatsoever. The music on that album is mediocre no matter when it was released
Carti was "gone" and there was never a "falling off" conversation
some of these fast rappers are just not all that
The real ones stay relevant for ever, Carti, Thugger, etc
Yeah you’re right, that’s just so crazy to me maybe Roddy should’ve dropped more loosies. Or at least an EP or something. Times really have changed.
these niggas struggling to fill a good album anyways.
Carti was "gone" and there was never a "falling off" conversation
some of these fast rappers are just not all that
The real ones stay relevant for ever, Carti, Thugger, etc
aint roddy from CALI
nobody from cali f***s with this nigga
everybody from ATL f*** with carti and thug
roddy just not cool. copy n paste type of rapper
Majority of these rappers never had staying power and it is always obvious. But they have a handful of hot songs and think they’re Drake
If you ain’t got it you ain’t got it
Where can I watch the full interview @op or does he only upload it in parts?
Where can I watch the full interview @op or does he only upload it in parts?
On Spotify
Bro stop being a dum dum, hop back in the studio, get like 4-5 great producers, lock in and cook. Make a 12-13 track album and come back in 6-9 months.
Quit being in denial. Your last album sucked. BUT you as an artist are talented.
He's already doing that announced a new project. I think he knows what time it is, unlike others cough cough Chance
This bad timing for me to say this after that classic superbowl performance but he 1000% right about LA not being it
How you getting carried by Yg and Roddy lmao Kendrick a goat but the other 2
Where can I watch the full interview @op or does he only upload it in parts?
The link to the pod is in this tweet
Carti was "gone" and there was never a "falling off" conversation
some of these fast rappers are just not all that
The real ones stay relevant for ever, Carti, Thugger, etc
Not releasing music =\= releasing mid/bad music
The link to the pod is in this tweet
Just copped the Spotify app Ak might have the best interviews in the game rn
roddy is deadass lying man this sad
everyone was hyped for his sophomore release and it simply didn’t hit
victory lap was celebrated by fans and newcomers upon release so idk what he means by it being hated on until he passed lol
aint roddy from CALI
nobody from cali f***s with this nigga
everybody from ATL f*** with carti and thug
roddy just not cool. copy n paste type of rapper
Boa you just say anything for likes on this hoe
Boa you just say anything for likes on this hoe
listen bro i know u don't like me i don't care if u do or don't but i know one thing...i post what comes to mind and i genuinely stand by what I say. Not for likes.
Roddy is wack bro. Nobody from cali f*** with him. Niggas f*** with dom Kennedy more than roddy and that nigga aint put out a decent project since get home safely. Change my mind!
aint roddy from CALI
nobody from cali f***s with this nigga
everybody from ATL f*** with carti and thug
roddy just not cool. copy n paste type of rapper
Nah he’s popular here
Nah he’s popular here
who the f*** is playing live life long or whatever the f*** its called?
listen bro i know u don't like me i don't care if u do or don't but i know one thing...i post what comes to mind and i genuinely stand by what I say. Not for likes.
Roddy is wack bro. Nobody from cali f*** with him. Niggas f*** with dom Kennedy more than roddy and that nigga aint put out a decent project since get home safely. Change my mind!
You not even from Cali you just saying anything