  • Feb 15, 2022
    1 reply

    I support Roddy because The Box and Ballin are some of the best rap singles in a long time. I hope he finds his mojo again.

  • Feb 15, 2022

    Yeah but if you compare that to his debut. Songs like After Party, No Idea etc.

    It just doesn’t match up.

    Cardigan might have been one of the best hooks I heard that year. That hook is a masterpiece.

    I feel you. I really enjoyed that What You Need hook tho

  • Feb 15, 2022

    I support Roddy because The Box and Ballin are some of the best rap singles in a long time. I hope he finds his mojo again.

    It's still in there, If he can put out stuff like Stunnaman he still has the ability

  • mishima 😈
    Feb 15, 2022

    He just need to drop his monster

  • Feb 15, 2022

    Not gonna use Don Toliver as an example because Life Of A Don is a good album.

    Life of a Don was a decent album. He isn't a good example because his debut was ass and his second was only slightly better.

  • Feb 15, 2022

    facts, he waited 2 years to drop the exact same album as anti social but without the big hit

    You can’t expect a The Box on every album. Songs like Hibachi and 25 million are making a little noise, they would prob be bigger if not for the narrative surrounding the album. Also Late at Night was a hit, even if inorganically.

  • Feb 15, 2022

    The biggest reason artist fall off is when they lack the insight to see that they are not making quality music. Once that happens it is game over.

  • No skip policy

  • Joke on you roddy ricch I skipped this Akademiks video too!

  • Feb 15, 2022
    1 reply

    ak is so unbelievably bad at interviews. asks the dumbest questions and barely can string sentences together. my goodness

  • Feb 15, 2022

    Should have released Feed Tha Streets 3

  • lovetalkgames

    ak is so unbelievably bad at interviews. asks the dumbest questions and barely can string sentences together. my goodness

    He tries to be messy and edgy while being scared 🤣

  • Feb 15, 2022

    It’s crazy how short the culture‘a attention span is now. Dude had a megahit like two years ago and a killer verse on a Kanye album a few months ago, along with several other big features.

    How the f*** has he fallen off?

    When you come in the game biting someone else’s style or following trends, you become forgettable much easier. Who cares about Roddy when there’s dozens of other rappers that sound exactly like him.

    This is why artists with original/distinct styles always have such loyal fans.

  • Feb 15, 2022
    1 reply
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    That’s crazy cause not even that long ago 2 years was the norm between album cycles. Tbf I think with Big Sean as he got more “serious” he started to fade away from the mainstream. After IDFWU it was over with. With Migos I feel like people just got tired of their style. But your point still stand. Maybe mainstream hip hop did peak in 2018. It’s 100s of artists and it feel like there’s only like a handful of overly popular rappers.

    Nigga the people that listen to this type of music don’t give af about these artist

    The music they making ain’t special

    These niggas ain’t special

  • FlyMx

    maybe bro music just wasn’t that great to begin with. Maybe it’s not rocket science after all. He had a hit and he’s talented but at the end of the day, maybe his music was just too basic b**** club liv tier too differentiate itself from the literal millions of other niggas making the same f***ing music


    Crazy how him and Cordae were 2 dudes who dropped promising debut albums and then just f***ing dropped the ball on the 2nd album.

    Second album slump has been a thing for decades 💀

  • Feb 15, 2022

    The problem with rap music and fans nowadays…

    Everyone says you gotta have your own style if you wanna stay in the game now, etc etc…. Yet the only people, for the most part, that get buzz and poppin now are just copycats of each other

    Everything sounds so similar besides like the big established artists

    It’s like you gotta have your style but you also gotta sound like everyone else…. Or at least sound like the style that’s popular right now if you’re a new/young artist

  • Feb 15, 2022

    Fans are so fickle. Artists have to be on a timetable when releasing music in order to stay relevant. It's no longer possible for artists to live and create without "fans" saying you fell off. If the music aint there then, it aint there but still artists have the license to release music when they want to.

  • Feb 15, 2022

    Man Live Life Fast was a solid project. Maybe the expectations for him were too high.

  • Feb 15, 2022
    1 reply

    Nigga the people that listen to this type of music don’t give af about these artist

    The music they making ain’t special

    These niggas ain’t special

    Let me guess, your precious artsy rap is what’s so special and deserve all the praise huh?

  • Feb 15, 2022

    There’s no appeal

  • Feb 15, 2022
    1 reply

    Most artists these days have very short shelf life even if they can make good songs that’s just how it is

  • Feb 15, 2022

    Newer artists need to have cult-like stans n s*** to survive

  • Feb 15, 2022
    NBA GameBoy

    Most artists these days have very short shelf life even if they can make good songs that’s just how it is


    I mean people were clicking on his album because of The Box which was heavily heavily pushed

    Without that single would they be checking the album? I don’t think so. It’s not that the fans aren’t there now, they were never really there.

  • Feb 15, 2022
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Wasn’t he “gone” for only like a year and a half? Rap fans really ADHD.

    Y'all keep saying this but most young acts don't have the luxury of leaving, we have never seen it work