Im ficking sick of high class crackers and new blacks thinking violence & poor conditions wether it has to do with gangs, cops, race relations etc. is a f***ing new thing caused by trival things just because they now have a computer and social media is so widespread that they cant ignore it anymore & actually see life outside their 4 walls even tho s*** been going for over a century and niggas been trying to draw attention to it
F*** yall
Shouldn't the entirety of the suburban audience which love this street gangster rap be proof that music doesn't cause this s***?
If anything that proves the inverse ? That even when you have a stable upbringing that music and moreso rap culture is influential as f*** so the kids without stable upbringings are even more doomed on top of whatever their surroundings are. Lmao off top example is you’ll have a Ja type situation where a grown man has more than enough reason to just relax but still tryna prove he hard because of idolatry that got imprinted into him as a child.
Or even Drake if you really wanna take it there.
Crime is at an all time low overall in USA & crime existed, even at worst pesks, before Rap
D****, murders & general sutuations that come with being in a poor tax bracket plus being a race that is literally lobbied politically & discriminated socially against in a country no wodner the music isnt about sunshine and rainbows
Also Funk, Blues & Jazz had similar elements of d****, s***& gang violence before Rap
If you dont want Rap to "inspire" violence, then you should probably stop the issue(s) that inspires the Raps.
Also f*** you @op
I need to write a book or do a youtube series of this s*** or something but niggas will still be f***ing dumb anyways
Scapegoat ass I pretend to care ass dirty nigga
Continuing my lifelong experiment of listening to gangsta rap without murdering someone. Will report back tomorrow.
Im ficking sick of high class crackers and new blacks thinking violence & poor conditions wether it has to do with gangs, cops, race relations etc. is a f***ing new thing caused by trival things just because they now have a computer and social media is so widespread that they cant ignore it anymore & actually see life outside their 4 walls even tho s*** been going for over a century and niggas been trying to draw attention to it
F*** yall
The problem is trying to make it all or nothing on both sides.
I don’t think that you can confidently argue that rap causes ALL of the violence and problems with the black community but it’s also stupid to say that normalizing and glorifying crime/criminal culture over 30+ years has no effect on the collective psyche of what it means to be “cool” or whatever term you wanna use for young black men and subsequently most of urban/young America that now looks to young black men as trendsetters (ironically because of hip hop culture that we argue doesn’t have the power to influence peoples mindsets) lol
The problem is trying to make it all or nothing on both sides.
I don’t think that you can confidently argue that rap causes ALL of the violence and problems with the black community but it’s also stupid to say that normalizing and glorifying crime/criminal culture over 30+ years has no effect on the collective psyche of what it means to be “cool” or whatever term you wanna use for young black men and subsequently most of urban/young America that now looks to young black men as trendsetters (ironically because of hip hop culture that we argue doesn’t have the power to influence peoples mindsets) lol
He just explained to you that gangster rap wasn't even a thing when the conditions were a lot worse. Hell, culture and the arts were completely sanitized when black people didn't even have rights in this country. You think they were better off then?
And if you aren't going to install some government body to censor art, you're literally just crying like a baby online. At least cry about the actual material conditions instead of the f***ing music. It's that easy !!
? i didn’t say that rap music and hip hop artists don’t influence the youth to do d**** and other crazy s***, (that’d be pretty shortsighted to say) im saying that if they do become interested in that s*** through music, it’s natural selection because it’s dumb asf to do lol
it’s no different from how these weirdo mass shooters watch some horror movies and then want to go out and try to kill someone, it’s just dumb lmao, im also 100% against censorship in art and feel like anyone should be able to express whatever they want in a creative medium, versus having to worry about mediating what they say due to some people taking what they say to heart and trying it out for themselves, idk where you exactly stand on that end but that’s how i personally see it
The problem with this argument is that the actor doesn’t come on the screen at the beginning of the movie and tell the viewer that “this ain’t no movie s*** and I’m not one of these actor niggas” lol. They not going into the psyche of young impressionable viewers and making fun of the viewer for watching the movie and not going on a killing spree the way niggas will have lines like “you was in the house I was off the porch” etc. y’all know this tho
so according to that logic all actors portraying criminals are to blame too? lock up Al Pacino then, no more movies about the mafia, gangsters, cartels, corrupt politicians, murders
oh also lets start banning video games too
and books
and theatre plays
if the people can't separate between art and real life, nobody is to blame but them
its the parents responsibility to teach kids basic morals, if you can't do that don't have kids
agreed. it’s a very slippery slope that can fit in the lengths of all forms on entertainment.
the understanding between reality and media/entertainment need to he solidified within the consumers
If anything that proves the inverse ? That even when you have a stable upbringing that music and moreso rap culture is influential as f*** so the kids without stable upbringings are even more doomed on top of whatever their surroundings are. Lmao off top example is you’ll have a Ja type situation where a grown man has more than enough reason to just relax but still tryna prove he hard because of idolatry that got imprinted into him as a child.
Or even Drake if you really wanna take it there.
Black kid. What about all these white kids that listen to street rap? Rap is the most popular genre in the world and only a percentage of black people seem to be affected negatively by it? It's a problem with the culture and the music is just a product of that culture, not the cause
Blaming media meant for entertainment for societal problems always has and always will be stupid
Also if you really do think music in general is so powerful to turn somebody magically feral that are already pretty well adjusted and well off:
Then why hasnt/didnt Metal music, Punk Rock outback wildwest Country music that also glorifies wild s*** & in some cases even worst turned the white population into a bunch of thugs? Sure theure not that popular today, but all three genres have at once been gigantic and even the main for at least a handful of years. And some are still around.
If you really think music is so powerful shouldnt we see the same trends?
Unless you think black people (the main listeners of Rap or at least one of the genres most black people listen too) are just inherently more susceptible to violence or and/are just too stupid to not know better?
If you dont think that, then we should see the same trends. Which we dont.
Metal & Punk mostly "made violent" city poor whites & wildwest outback Coutnry "makes violent" backwoods deep south poor whites, people already in thag reality what a shocker
People already in those situations, already doing those things, already exposed before the music & a culture + circumstance that inspired the music in the first place.
So since every "regular" white arent picking up a hunting rifle or shooting up heroin, why would it bwe different for others races?
Again, unless you think black are inherently more violent and stupid
Even in an all around overall safer time.
The problem with this argument is that the actor doesn’t come on the screen at the beginning of the movie and tell the viewer that “this ain’t no movie s*** and I’m not one of these actor niggas” lol. They not going into the psyche of young impressionable viewers and making fun of the viewer for watching the movie and not going on a killing spree the way niggas will have lines like “you was in the house I was off the porch” etc. y’all know this tho
idk man i personally think it’s pretty clear that when these niggas go from song to song talking about another nigga they apparently killed just the other day, its fairly obvious they most likely didn’t do that s*** lmao
people take aspects of their real world, experiences, and personalities and exaggerate them to make their art more interesting, if some people aren’t able to connect the dots and understand that a lot of the s*** these dudes be rapping about is cap, i don’t really see what the solution is
if these niggas are going down the route of doing d**** and committing crimes with music being the apparent spark for it, i’d personally argue that they probably got deeper issues than simply what music they’re listening to
S*** is just racist, ignorant of history, ignorant of social and political happenings & a scapegoat to avoid doing something of actual help or effort.
Shut the f*** up.
Also if you really do think music in general is so powerful to turn somebody magically feral that are already pretty well adjusted and well off:
Then why hasnt/didnt Metal music, Punk Rock outback wildwest Country music that also glorifies wild s*** & in some cases even worst turned the white population into a bunch of thugs? Sure theure not that popular today, but all three genres have at once been gigantic and even the main for at least a handful of years. And some are still around.
If you really think music is so powerful shouldnt we see the same trends?
Unless you think black people (the main listeners of Rap or at least one of the genres most black people listen too) are just inherently more susceptible to violence or and/are just too stupid to not know better?
If you dont think that, then we should see the same trends. Which we dont.
Metal & Punk mostly "made violent" city poor whites & wildwest outback Coutnry "makes violent" backwoods deep south poor whites, people already in thag reality what a shocker
People already in those situations, already doing those things, already exposed before the music & a culture + circumstance that inspired the music in the first place.
So since every "regular" white arent picking up a hunting rifle or shooting up heroin, why would it bwe different for others races?
Again, unless you think black are inherently more violent and stupid
Even in an all around overall safer time.
yeah this was an example i pulled out so long ago, these rockstars be on some wild satanic d*** binging s***, and you don’t see a bunch of white people really copying them
idk why rap is the only genre that gets this sort of magnifying glass held to it where it’s to blame for the way some niggas act
Also if you really do think music in general is so powerful to turn somebody magically feral that are already pretty well adjusted and well off:
Then why hasnt/didnt Metal music, Punk Rock outback wildwest Country music that also glorifies wild s*** & in some cases even worst turned the white population into a bunch of thugs? Sure theure not that popular today, but all three genres have at once been gigantic and even the main for at least a handful of years. And some are still around.
If you really think music is so powerful shouldnt we see the same trends?
Unless you think black people (the main listeners of Rap or at least one of the genres most black people listen too) are just inherently more susceptible to violence or and/are just too stupid to not know better?
If you dont think that, then we should see the same trends. Which we dont.
Metal & Punk mostly "made violent" city poor whites & wildwest outback Coutnry "makes violent" backwoods deep south poor whites, people already in thag reality what a shocker
People already in those situations, already doing those things, already exposed before the music & a culture + circumstance that inspired the music in the first place.
So since every "regular" white arent picking up a hunting rifle or shooting up heroin, why would it bwe different for others races?
Again, unless you think black are inherently more violent and stupid
Even in an all around overall safer time.
You’re purposely leaving out the glorification aspect of rockstars and country singers not chastising their audiences for not shooting people or beating their wives (I’m not no rap nigga this ain’t no rap cap…”keeping it real”). While also acknowledging that because they don’t do the aforementioned…there isn’t a similar cultural phenomenon of degeneracy and glorification of ignorance stemming solely from that music and culture…
Y’all boil it down to “rap = the cause of all crime” to make the point easier to respond to which no one has said.
Instead of “rap specifically glorifies the criminal lifestyle in a way that has made certain s*** cool to black/urban youth in the last 30 years that is probably overall detrimental to us collectively”
If anything that proves the inverse ? That even when you have a stable upbringing that music and moreso rap culture is influential as f*** so the kids without stable upbringings are even more doomed on top of whatever their surroundings are. Lmao off top example is you’ll have a Ja type situation where a grown man has more than enough reason to just relax but still tryna prove he hard because of idolatry that got imprinted into him as a child.
Or even Drake if you really wanna take it there.
you don’t think it’s more of an insecurity thing versus an idolatry thing?
i mean it could be both, but Ja and Drake both came off to me as dudes that are just insecure about not being seen as super masculine or tough or whatever you wanna call it (particularly Drake, really)
Just like any other form of media, people can find inspiration from various sources. However, this is not unique to stories involving violence.
Above all, people often turn to stories as a means of escape. Throughout history, there has been a persistent fascination with narratives centered around criminals. This explains the popularity of serial killer podcasts, thrilling TV shows, and movies. Moreover, idolizing so-called "real" gangsters is ingrained in American culture. Just observe how figures like Jesse James, Butch Cassidy, Al Capone, and the mafia have been glamorized by the public. This trend of fascination and admiration for such individuals seems to be everlasting.
S*** is just racist, ignorant of history, ignorant of social and political happenings & a scapegoat to avoid doing something of actual help or effort.
Shut the f*** up.
He just explained to you that gangster rap wasn't even a thing when the conditions were a lot worse. Hell, culture and the arts were completely sanitized when black people didn't even have rights in this country. You think they were better off then?
And if you aren't going to install some government body to censor art, you're literally just crying like a baby online. At least cry about the actual material conditions instead of the f***ing music. It's that easy !!
again no one proposed the idea that crime didn’t exist before gangster rap
where was the glorification of the selling d**** and killing people specifically targeted to black youth prior to gangster rap tho. i’ll wait. this is usually the part where u start replying wit troll s*** tho lol
Also I don’t think that “black culture” not existing until after the civil rights era is gonna end in a place that supports yalls logic lol. They gave us that s*** to distract us and look at you niggas 50 years later arguing for the right of white executives to make caricatures of niggas cuz y’all got nostalgia lol. Black “entertainment/culture” has been hijacked and turned inside out
you don’t think it’s more of an insecurity thing versus an idolatry thing?
i mean it could be both, but Ja and Drake both came off to me as dudes that are just insecure about not being seen as super masculine or tough or whatever you wanna call it (particularly Drake, really)
And surely Ja and Drake are the only young black men on the face of the earth from stable households insecure about being seen as hard or tough
Y’all are almost there lol
yeah this was an example i pulled out so long ago, these rockstars be on some wild satanic d*** binging s***, and you don’t see a bunch of white people really copying them
idk why rap is the only genre that gets this sort of magnifying glass held to it where it’s to blame for the way some niggas act
Because it’s the only genre that sells you on the idea of there superhero like personas being how young black men are supposed to actually behave
No other genre or art form does that. Lol
Black people were living like KINGS UNTIL RAP SHOWED UP BROOOOOO
Talk to an older black person and they’d definitely probably tell you niggas were more unified before gangster rap. Really think about what y’all are saying and what gangster rap advocates for in young black males
Y’all niggas silly lol