Episode 5 is my favorite cause the tie in with Clone Wars. Ahsoka was trained the non Jedi way and the way it ties to the fact that the Jedi fell because of Anakin Skywalker but Ahsoka, who’s no longer a Jedi, survives because of Anakin Skywalker
watched the first two episodes amazing quality the episodes are a little short though 13 minutes on average
Loved all the eps with count dooku, much needed development for his character. Wasn't the biggest fan of any of the ahsoka eps but Tbf im just tired of her character
watched the last 4 episodes
loved them all, the Dooku ones were fascinating and Ahsoka really needed the last episode animated
So does Yaddle just prove that Yoda is just a batshit crazy loon?
someone said that because yoda is several hundred years older than yaddle, it shows that the language and way of speaking on whatever their homeworld is evolved over time. i call bullshit but
i'm enjoying this but i'm kinda pissed at filoni for erasing the ahsoka novel. it isn't the first time he's done this and it's starting to get on my nerves. don't give other writers control of his characters if he's not gonna respect the decisions they make.
I like how Dave Filoni changes the story from the Ahsoka book a bit but still stays true to the general concept
the plot is always the same for Ahsoka.. it's exactly how I remembered it from the book, other characters or the exact order of events get alerted but the plot is the same
same thing with the Battle of Mandalore, there are really only a few small changes he's not erasing the book really lol
if you haven't read the book in 6 years you wouldn't even remember the difference.. I honestly forgot all these little details until I read people online complaining
I think it would haven't have been as good if he followed the book, it would have needed backstory & setup that wouldn't have been very interesting.. the Book has so many little details and other things happening that can't fit in an animated Episode
Lucasfilms does have a problem with changing stuff from the Books in the Movies/Animation but I think Filoni has handled Ahsoka pretty well
That was fantastic. I want more of these every year
Like they could do Luke between 4 and 5 or Rey between 8 and 9
Stuff like that to flesh them out more in certain parts of their lives. Could be fantastic.
The Dooku episodes in particular changed my entire perspective of the character
That was fantastic. I want more of these every year
Like they could do Luke between 4 and 5 or Rey between 8 and 9
Stuff like that to flesh them out more in certain parts of their lives. Could be fantastic.
The Dooku episodes in particular changed my entire perspective of the character
yeah would be amazing if we got these yearly they could do tales of the sith also
I don't mind the episodes being 13 minutes but it would be nice to see more episodes than 6 like 12 or 18 a year
not just anime
not just anime
I was hoping they'd build upon some of the stories in the first season like "The Ninth Jedi"
I was hoping they'd build upon some of the stories in the first season like "The Ninth Jedi"
yeah could be cool some the stories are great but also kinda feel like they are just anthologies
yesterdays new bad batch was way better than the first 2 episodes
hope we get more empire pov episodes
felt like a classic clone wars episode
good soldiers follows orders
Love seeing Kody and the characteristics the clones takes on from their general. Kody is the negotiator and Rex is rebellious like Anakin.
todays episodes