Shut up
also a matter of where the taxes are predominantly going to
if they're being spent on a bottomless pit of a military budget that enables ethnic cleansing and bombing of children with terribly imbalanced power dynamics and media narratives, yeah thats a horrible place for taxes to go
If they're being spent on everyone having healthcare, quality education, food, shelter, clean water, and other resources, taxes are pretty much worthwhile- but this demands that the regular people have their material needs met first and foremost
OP u oversimplifying this idea to where u r gonna get responses criticizing u i guess thats somewhat what you wanted
also a matter of where the taxes are predominantly going to
if they're being spent on a bottomless pit of a military budget that enables ethnic cleansing and bombing of children with terribly imbalanced power dynamics and media narratives, yeah thats a horrible place for taxes to go
If they're being spent on everyone having healthcare, quality education, food, shelter, clean water, and other resources, taxes are pretty much worthwhile- but this demands that the regular people have their material needs met first and foremost
All that tells me is your fine with some level of exploitation. Taxes are a form of exploitation taking the value the workers put out.
taxes play an actual role in society. whether or not they are fair atm is another discussion.
All that tells me is your fine with some level of exploitation. Taxes are a form of exploitation taking the value the workers put out.
u mean like taxes taking out of working class peoples checks? sure i can get with that being exploitation (because in the US those taxes don't guarantee healthcare or really much else)
i just thought u meant the idea of taxation across the board, where we need to tax the ultrawealthy due to the incredible inequality, rather than not tax them, if it came between those choices
OP is an idiot
u could have left this post out and just lead with your second one fam
u right but u aint have to say it
i remember in my old job my monthly bonus checks would be taxed damn near 50%.
my gross would look awesome
then i’d look at my net like
Taxing the lower and middle class and providing them very little in return is exploitative, but that’s because as we operate now the government is in cahoots to help businesses exploit workers. If taxes were more fair and used to better our society in a more tangible and far reaching manner it’d be a different story.
u could have left this post out and just lead with your second one fam
u right but u aint have to say it
Synops is never passing up a chance to call someone a idiot
taxes play an actual role in society. whether or not they are fair atm is another discussion.
You are defending working people being exploited