Username to post ratio surprisingly not correlated
But yeah, taxation is little more than a thinly veiled government extortion racket -- give us a cut of all of your action, or we throw you in a cell
You can argue that taxes can contribute to good things, like healthcare, food, and housing, but the reality is that most of it is squandered on government salaries, military, law enforcement, and other garbage that is used to oppress you.
I also need OP to explain how local and state governments would be funded
property tax, capital gains tax, tariffs etc
property tax, capital gains tax, tariffs etc
So you can see the issue with funding by property taxes literally rn in the school system
So you can see the issue with funding by property taxes literally rn in the school system
thats just an issue with distribution.
Ehhhh as much as paying them sucks and as much as I’d love to join the taxation is theft crowd they’re essential for a functional society.
That said the United States tax system is broken in so many ways and I do legitimately feel like I’m being robbed when I pay taxes that will help fund so many things that I do not agree with while simultaneously failing to address major issues.