OP is an idiot
when businesses pay people who are willing to work for a wage in exchange for labor you are quick to yell exploitation but when the government takes working class money its crickets from you
when businesses pay people who are willing to work for a wage in exchange for labor you are quick to yell exploitation but when the government takes working class money its crickets from you
you clearly have no idea what taxes do
-> www.google.com
once you know what they are you can complain but its more complicated than that
as long as money exists so will "exploitation". the difference is who benefits. there is no net positive to businesses that underpay workers
You are defending working people being exploited
Idk why this is the slant you are taking lmao.
here's a thought experiment OP, pretend there are no taxes. what would society look like
also a matter of where the taxes are predominantly going to
if they're being spent on a bottomless pit of a military budget that enables ethnic cleansing and bombing of children with terribly imbalanced power dynamics and media narratives, yeah thats a horrible place for taxes to go
If they're being spent on everyone having healthcare, quality education, food, shelter, clean water, and other resources, taxes are pretty much worthwhile- but this demands that the regular people have their material needs met first and foremost
Yeah but what’s your energy going to be like when the politicians pushing that social s*** also give a year end report that trillions of dollars in tax payer money just suddenly went missing at some point in time during the fiscal year :khaled:
here's a thought experiment OP, pretend there are no taxes. what would society look like
wouldnt u need a state to collect taxes? 🤔
OP kinda has a point wit yall socialists
Yeah but what’s your energy going to be like when the politicians pushing that social s*** also give a year end report that trillions of dollars in tax payer money just suddenly went missing at some point in time during the fiscal year :khaled:
damn on that joe budden s***?
taxes do some pretty good things besides fund the overblown military and police budgets
you clearly have no idea what taxes do
-> www.google.com
once you know what they are you can complain but its more complicated than that
mans said -> google.com lmaooo
the entire point of taxes should that they are taken by an administrative figure that uses their organizational power to provide services to the taxpayer, such as infrastructure and social services
The current taxation system where money is taken more from the common taxpayer than the big money corporation and goes directly into the military industrial complex or corporate stimulus packages is exactly what is wrong with our system, not the concept of taxation
Yeah but what’s your energy going to be like when the politicians pushing that social s*** also give a year end report that trillions of dollars in tax payer money just suddenly went missing at some point in time during the fiscal year :khaled:
time to kick some ass
All that tells me is your fine with some level of exploitation. Taxes are a form of exploitation taking the value the workers put out.
the value of workers that is taken by taxes should be reinvested by the government into programs and projects that directly benefit workers
Taxing the lower and middle class and providing them very little in return is exploitative, but that’s because as we operate now the government is in cahoots to help businesses exploit workers. If taxes were more fair and used to better our society in a more tangible and far reaching manner it’d be a different story.
Yeah but what’s your energy going to be like when the politicians pushing that social s*** also give a year end report that trillions of dollars in tax payer money just suddenly went missing at some point in time during the fiscal year :khaled:
what should one do when their government doesn’t act in a satisfactory manner, and the system means that you will end up having the same leaders?
F***ing change the system, but nobody’s willing to do it because of fearmongering that those in power have managed to instill into every commoner so that they can reinforce their position
it's dumb we pay taxes when you can just print money
only people making over a million a year should be taxed and it should be a rate that rises progressively
and no taxes on consumption or property unless you have excessive property / rental property
it's dumb we pay taxes when you can just print money
only people making over a million a year should be taxed and it should be a rate that rises progressively
and no taxes on consumption or property unless you have excessive property / rental property
the federal reserve is a private institution that makes profit
think about THAT
the federal reserve is a private institution that makes profit
think about THAT
sort of it's quasi government
the Congress could end it and just print money
sort of it's quasi government
the Congress could end it and just print money
but they won’t because they are all cronies who are raping the country for money
it's dumb we pay taxes when you can just print money
only people making over a million a year should be taxed and it should be a rate that rises progressively
and no taxes on consumption or property unless you have excessive property / rental property
There are reasons for it