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  • May 27, 2021
    1 reply

    There are reasons for it

    old world reasons when we didn't have technology making everything obsolete

    you had to tax money because we didn't live in a deflationary time

    if all these central banks didn't print all asset prices would fall 90%+

    people compare inflation now to the 1920s when technology wasn't on this level

    technology just grows at such an exponential rate it's going to replace 50% of jobs by 2050 and it will only get worse, it decrease the velocity of money to almost 0 over a long enough time period

    insanely rich people should be taxed but it seems pointless to tax everyone for everything

  • May 27, 2021

    Shut up

  • May 27, 2021

    but they won’t because they are all cronies who are raping the country for money

    yeah ofc

  • May 27, 2021

    the federal reserve is a private institution that makes profit

    think about THAT

    Yeah seriously f*** the federal reserve

  • May 27, 2021
    lil neon
    · edited

    old world reasons when we didn't have technology making everything obsolete

    you had to tax money because we didn't live in a deflationary time

    if all these central banks didn't print all asset prices would fall 90%+

    people compare inflation now to the 1920s when technology wasn't on this level

    technology just grows at such an exponential rate it's going to replace 50% of jobs by 2050 and it will only get worse, it decrease the velocity of money to almost 0 over a long enough time period

    insanely rich people should be taxed but it seems pointless to tax everyone for everything


  • May 27, 2021

    Imagine thinking
    Taxes = an economic system

  • May 27, 2021

    the current tax system is a travesty, sure.

    but taxes in the abstract aren't exploitative. any business that earns a profit is reliant on the shared infrastructure and institutions of a society.

    for instance, amazon relies on road systems, government address information, the police (in a capitalist society, this 'shared infrastructure' will inevitably involve violent defenders of capital), etc etc

    a just taxation system would account for this and ensure that amazon pays their 'fair share'. and of course, we aren't even accounting for the exploitation of the workers themselves.

  • May 28, 2021
    rnb sponge

    also a matter of where the taxes are predominantly going to

    if they're being spent on a bottomless pit of a military budget that enables ethnic cleansing and bombing of children with terribly imbalanced power dynamics and media narratives, yeah thats a horrible place for taxes to go

    If they're being spent on everyone having healthcare, quality education, food, shelter, clean water, and other resources, taxes are pretty much worthwhile- but this demands that the regular people have their material needs met first and foremost

  • May 28, 2021
    1 reply

    What people in the working class benefits from businesses taking advantage of workers? Now ask the same thing about taxes.

  • May 28, 2021
    1 reply

    What people in the working class benefits from businesses taking advantage of workers? Now ask the same thing about taxes.

    businesses provide many forms of insurance and retirement accounts/planning/matching sometimes workers benefit more from businesses than government.

  • May 28, 2021
    1 reply
    CLB Fractions

    businesses provide many forms of insurance and retirement accounts/planning/matching sometimes workers benefit more from businesses than government.

    Ah yes, the great American Insurance system, please tell me more

  • May 28, 2021
    2 replies

    Ah yes, the great American Insurance system, please tell me more

    also retirement. some businesses match what there employees put in retirement

  • May 28, 2021
    1 reply
    CLB Fractions

    also retirement. some businesses match what there employees put in retirement

    That's less and less though. Most pensions are gone, and a lot of companies only match 401ks 50% up to a certain amount. My company doesn't match 401k contributions at all

  • May 28, 2021
    1 reply
    CLB Fractions

    also retirement. some businesses match what there employees put in retirement

    They do it because it’s cheaper than paying the difference in salary not because of their “generosity” lmfao

  • May 28, 2021
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    That's less and less though. Most pensions are gone, and a lot of companies only match 401ks 50% up to a certain amount. My company doesn't match 401k contributions at all

    i said some.

  • May 28, 2021
    CLB Fractions

    i said some.

    Apparently it’s less than 25% so it’s not even that much

  • May 28, 2021

    They do it because it’s cheaper than paying the difference in salary not because of their “generosity” lmfao

    i know lmao.

  • May 28, 2021
    2 replies

    So I posit the question again: what benefits come from working for a business that underpays and exploits you vs taxes which actually keep society moving when put into the right things?

  • May 28, 2021

    So I posit the question again: what benefits come from working for a business that underpays and exploits you vs taxes which actually keep society moving when put into the right things?

    taxes dont need to be as high as they are but we need some taxes.

  • May 28, 2021

    So I posit the question again: what benefits come from working for a business that underpays and exploits you vs taxes which actually keep society moving when put into the right things?

    Rich mfs have too much clout and tax lawyers

    So it's on the "little guy" to pick up the slack, as has been the case for the entirety of America

  • May 28, 2021
    1 reply
    rnb sponge

    also a matter of where the taxes are predominantly going to

    if they're being spent on a bottomless pit of a military budget that enables ethnic cleansing and bombing of children with terribly imbalanced power dynamics and media narratives, yeah thats a horrible place for taxes to go

    If they're being spent on everyone having healthcare, quality education, food, shelter, clean water, and other resources, taxes are pretty much worthwhile- but this demands that the regular people have their material needs met first and foremost

    You know where America's taxes are going to lmao

  • May 28, 2021
    hot pancakes

    i remember in my old job my monthly bonus checks would be taxed damn near 50%.

    my gross would look awesome

    then i’d look at my net like

    Then they give you maybe 20% back tax season time

  • May 28, 2021

    You know where America's taxes are going to lmao

    big bomb go boom

  • May 28, 2021

    Op makes a moderately decent point if he is comin at the socialist who cry exploitation 24/7.