  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply

  • Jun 29, 2021

    Classic album without question

  • Magenta đź’ž
    Jun 29, 2021

    yeah that's a good one

  • Jun 29, 2021
    The Darkest Angel

    I don't even like it but it really is Die Lit. It was just too good and did so much for Carti. The critics didn't d*** ride it but if you were outside it was the people's album

    Critics loved this album lmao

  • Jun 29, 2021
    math fifty

    ill always have a soft spot for this one

  • Jun 29, 2021

    I been saying!!

  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply
    KOL Meezy Mestizo

    See, this is actually in cult territory, y'all keep posting the most obvious albums. OP SAID CULT, NOT JUST CLASSIC

    dude posting albums that got literally hundreds of millions of streams and calling it cult lol

  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply

    dude posting albums that got literally hundreds of millions of streams and calling it cult lol

    the number of viewers or streams doesn’t matter, it’s about the overall reception. There’s tons of movies who have been seen by millions of peoples and are considered cult because only a minor percentage of them liked it..

  • Jun 29, 2021

    trash then, trash now

  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply
    CLB Harmonium

    the number of viewers or streams doesn’t matter, it’s about the overall reception. There’s tons of movies who have been seen by millions of peoples and are considered cult because only a minor percentage of them liked it..

    that's not a cult classic, that means some people are in denial lol

    if a good period of time has elapsed, millions have seen it, and a small percentage like it, then it's not very good

  • Scott Pilgrim was a cult classic for almost a decade

    not many people knew of it, it was very lowkey, but a massive percentage of the small amount of people who peeped it loved it

    you can excuse so many horrible mainstream works if you just say "this small niche f***ed with it". The Fantastic 4 movie is a cult classic

  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply

    that's not a cult classic, that means some people are in denial lol

    if a good period of time has elapsed, millions have seen it, and a small percentage like it, then it's not very good


    who are you to decide if liking something automatically makes you in denial universally lmao there’s no metric for that

    cult definition: “a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing”

  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply
    CLB Harmonium


    who are you to decide if liking something automatically makes you in denial universally lmao there’s no metric for that

    cult definition: “a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing”

    "A cult film, also commonly referred to as a cult classic, is a film with a cult following, obscure or unpopular with mainstream audiences, and often revolutionary or ironically enjoyed"

    what's the purpose of only finding a definition for cult lmao. The term "cult classic" has never been used to define popular garbage that 3% of listeners liked

  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply

    "A cult film, also commonly referred to as a cult classic, is a film with a cult following, obscure or unpopular with mainstream audiences, and often revolutionary or ironically enjoyed"

    what's the purpose of only finding a definition for cult lmao. The term "cult classic" has never been used to define popular garbage that 3% of listeners liked

    you’ve never heard of b movies of the 60/70/80s or dusty italian horror movies? considered bad cinema by the majority but have huge fan followings because people dig their aesthetic and cheap stories

    a cult classic can be popular like bti because like you side by very definition is not liked by majority of the audience (critics being a big point)

    or it can be niche and obscure forms of entertainment that have yet to be seen by a majority group

  • CLB Harmonium

    you’ve never heard of b movies of the 60/70/80s or dusty italian horror movies? considered bad cinema by the majority but have huge fan followings because people dig their aesthetic and cheap stories

    a cult classic can be popular like bti because like you side by very definition is not liked by majority of the audience (critics being a big point)

    or it can be niche and obscure forms of entertainment that have yet to be seen by a majority group

    If it's considered not good by people but just haven't been viewed/listened to by alot of people, that's entirely differerent

    Illmatic was a cult classic until it got more listeners a couple years later, then it became a classic. BTI had a ton of listeners from the jump. What you're describing excuses literally every bad project man lol

  • Raiden

    just was listening 2 this twin

  • fiveprestos

    give me one song on BTI better than why go to the party

    idek that song bruh

  • Jun 29, 2021
    Smacked Voodoo

    You don't need to put the "cult" in there OP. Because the Internet is just a straight up classic album. Anyone who disagrees just on the wrong side of history.

    They probably wipe back to front after they s*** too. Stank sack mfers.

    whoa what the hell

  • Childhood đź–¤
    Jun 29, 2021

    BTI great

    too bad it was a fluke though

  • BTI is also great because Glover managed to capture something true and essential about the zeitgeist. I think what differentiates a true masterpiece from a great work of art is the fact that a masterpiece is a testimony to its era. It gives you a kind of meaningful idea of what was going on when it was conceived. And that’s exactly what Glover did with this album. Hell, it’s extremely relevant 7 years later.

    “Flight of the Navigator” is still his best song.

  • Jun 29, 2021
    1 reply

    album sucks

  • CGI Dog

    ive never had an album experience "enhanced" by visuals, universe or whatever the f*** op is talking about i just want the album to be good, and i dont think thats particularly the case with this one

    Except it makes sense with BTI.

    One of the main motifs/themes of the album is hyperreality: what is real and what is represented (through media, art etc.) are blended together, there’s no clear distinction between where one ends and the other begins. So the fact that there’s an entire artistic universe around that album makes sense. Glover created an alternate fictional reality which echoes his own existence. But instead on insisting on a distinction, he managed to create a continuum between those two fields.

    Of course, this theme has to do that with the idea of Internet itself. The past few years proved that Internet expanded hyperreality more than anything else in post-modern history: people are actually doing surgeries to look like Snapchat filters, virtual human billboards are labeled “influencers”, individuals are reduced to what they appear to be on their social media profiles etc.

    That’s why it’s so important to fully immerse yourself in that universe to understand the album. I said that an entire universe was built around that album but it’s not accurate: the album is but a piece of that universe. If you don’t dive in it, you won’t get the full picture.

  • Jun 29, 2021

    great album but not THE album