I really fell for the liberal arts trap like a f***ing chump
Depends what you went for.
Theres always teaching
No diss OP but doing the coursework and getting the physical degree is only a part of getting a job. You gotta network, make your resume, do internships, etc.. most of my peers had a job secured before they graduated
People dont understand this
lol facts. I was (still kinda am) considering going back to school for a graduate degree only to escape the post-grad life.
This s*** depressing foreal and I don’t blame people for wanting going back to school. Tens of thousands of dollars in debt and no little to no jobs that would allow us to pay it back without starving. The system broken.
Dont go back to school bruh
Just get whatever job you can get and search for your actual job while working the s*** job
Cold calls, linkedin, etc
what is it called you pay thousands for tution for a piece of paper and you don't get the "college experience" and just go home early and play smash all-day?
go to CC first, only go to university when you know exactly what you want to pursue a degree in.
How tf is that gonna help get a jog tho?