  • Jun 23, 2020



    Wrongs thread

  • Jun 23, 2020
    3 replies

    That Dude was FAR from masculine, he was just full of himself because he thought he would get b****es cuz he had money.

    He clearly had no social skills to interact with women which made him rage and do what he did.

    He looks like one of those gays who does “Str8 p***” and before they start go like “ugh I’ve never done this before ☺️“ and they have that Anderson cooper giggle right after

  • Jun 23, 2020
    The Viper

    He looks like one of those gays who does “Str8 p***” and before they start go like “ugh I’ve never done this before ☺️“ and they have that Anderson cooper giggle right after


  • Jun 23, 2020
    The Viper

    He looks like one of those gays who does “Str8 p***” and before they start go like “ugh I’ve never done this before ☺️“ and they have that Anderson cooper giggle right after

  • Jun 23, 2020

    That Dude was FAR from masculine, he was just full of himself because he thought he would get b****es cuz he had money.

    He clearly had no social skills to interact with women which made him rage and do what he did.

    That was his issue, he tried to hard to be his idea of masculine, tried to be much more of a “man” than his dad was, says his dad always cried in front of his mom which a man should never do. He blamed all of his childhood drama on his father.
    Like i said earlier though, multiple things went into his destruction, but his masculinity issues was a major part of it

  • Jun 23, 2020

    But since I’m here

    There’s no such thing lmao

    Women can do s*** like this too

  • Jun 23, 2020
    1 reply
    no color

    Because toxic masculinity is a separate thing than masculinity in it self

    That kind of violence is included under that umbrella and often stems from the twisted sense of superiority that men feel they have over women which is absolutely in itself masculinity that has gone to toxic levels.

    yea I got you. However I would debate that its LACK of masculinity that leads to these issues, and not an abundance of it.

    For example if you feel constantly threatened by other men and have to prove yourself/overcompensate that's reflective of you not having a healthy amount of masculinity. Just offering another perspective

  • Jun 23, 2020
    1 reply
    The Viper

    He looks like one of those gays who does “Str8 p***” and before they start go like “ugh I’ve never done this before ☺️“ and they have that Anderson cooper giggle right after

    That’s very descriptive

  • Jun 23, 2020

    That Dude was FAR from masculine, he was just full of himself because he thought he would get b****es cuz he had money.

    He clearly had no social skills to interact with women which made him rage and do what he did.

    Yea he was fairly good looking guy and apparently he had money too? Yea, if he wasn't having any success he was just a straight up damaged person.

  • Jun 23, 2020

    Of course

    But WE know that

    Tell that to the random toxic dude on the street

    Ain't think it through

    Okay? I’ve had civil conversations about this with “toxic” niggas that have gone both ways. I used to be toxic myself.

    Your point was that it was needed and all I’m saying is that yes masculinity is needed to maintain the balance in life, toxic masculinity is something separate and by definition disrupting that very balance.

  • Jun 23, 2020
    2 replies

    That’s very descriptive

    I f***ed a D.L. youtuber one time

  • Jun 23, 2020
    The Viper

    I f***ed a D.L. youtuber one time

    this segway

  • Jun 23, 2020

    of course he was a bratty bottom too it always seems to be that every time

  • Jun 23, 2020
    1 reply

    yea I got you. However I would debate that its LACK of masculinity that leads to these issues, and not an abundance of it.

    For example if you feel constantly threatened by other men and have to prove yourself/overcompensate that's reflective of you not having a healthy amount of masculinity. Just offering another perspective

    What you described is also toxic masculinity. Toxic masculinity isn’t just being too manly, it’s a complete distortion of the sense of self (for men); Imbalance.

    The term may sound annoying, it can very much is a buzzword these days, but trying to skrrt around it is just wasting time. This goes for a lot of words that people feel attacked by.

    We need to stop letting extremists get to our heads and distract us from potential growth that we’re very much capable of achieving. It just takes a little humility.

  • Jun 23, 2020
    The Viper

    I f***ed a D.L. youtuber one time

  • Jun 23, 2020
    1 reply

    it does, there are terrible traits to toxic masculinity like not showing emotion. (which is ridiculous) but the idea of man all wearing flowers and dresses is also ridiculous. society has lived upon a warrior class being a part of it.

    lmfao insecure cuck

  • Jun 23, 2020
    1 reply

    lmfao insecure cuck

    why am i insecure?

  • Jun 23, 2020
    2 replies

    want to elaborate on this? (im white btw)

    Straight white males tend to do very “sus” things together and jokes They’re not as aggressive towards each other unless it’s someone they genuinely don’t like for some reason
    Scream and berate women in public

    While black males
    Have to prove how tough they are
    Have to retaliate to disrespect either verbally or physically
    No gay or feminine anything

    Both can be very misogynistic

  • Jun 23, 2020
    1 reply

    I mean ya but people gotta realize sometimes jokes between friends are just jokes. always weird to me when I hear a guy say "locker room talk" isn't a thing like ya it is you just dont have friends.

  • Jun 23, 2020
    1 reply

    why am i insecure?

    I might not go that far to say that, but wearing flowers and dresses or whatever has nothing to do with what you previously described as healthy masculinity. Appearing masculine and being masculine are again two different things. You could go full black AF1 style and still be the biggest p**** on the block.

    Acting like appearance matters does comes off as insecure, a lot of the time it is. But I’d say misinformed.

  • Jun 23, 2020
    1 reply
    no color

    I might not go that far to say that, but wearing flowers and dresses or whatever has nothing to do with what you previously described as healthy masculinity. Appearing masculine and being masculine are again two different things. You could go full black AF1 style and still be the biggest p**** on the block.

    Acting like appearance matters does comes off as insecure, a lot of the time it is. But I’d say misinformed.

    this guy came out of nowhere saying im insecure, i just questioned him. but his ig page probably doesnt feature him on..

    i didnt say flowery dresses = no toxic masculinity. I literally described it as just ONE part of the agenda of the de-masculinasation of men

  • Jun 23, 2020
    1 reply

    Straight white males tend to do very “sus” things together and jokes They’re not as aggressive towards each other unless it’s someone they genuinely don’t like for some reason
    Scream and berate women in public

    While black males
    Have to prove how tough they are
    Have to retaliate to disrespect either verbally or physically
    No gay or feminine anything

    Both can be very misogynistic

    that's so true, there's a lot of jokes with "gay" undertones that my white friends will do that would definitely not fly with my ethnic friends

  • Jun 23, 2020

    I mean ya but people gotta realize sometimes jokes between friends are just jokes. always weird to me when I hear a guy say "locker room talk" isn't a thing like ya it is you just dont have friends.

    last part

  • Jun 23, 2020
    1 reply

    Couldn't even eat a hot dog in my high school without some energy

    if you got mayo on your lip it's over

    I had to be careful with these
