  • Jun 23, 2020

    that's so true, there's a lot of jokes with "gay" undertones that my white friends will do that would definitely not fly with my ethnic friends

  • Jun 23, 2020

    I had to be careful with these

    Those big whole pickles delis would give you too

  • Jun 23, 2020

    this guy came out of nowhere saying im insecure, i just questioned him. but his ig page probably doesnt feature him on..

    i didnt say flowery dresses = no toxic masculinity. I literally described it as just ONE part of the agenda of the de-masculinasation of men

    I know, and I’m addressing that. I disagree with that statement seeing as appearing masculine and being masculine are two different things.

    A nigga putting a flower in his fro is not going to dismantle the entire structure of masculinity and femininity in society.

    Most of that black boy joy s*** i see is just trying to promote freedom and individuality to a group of people that feel like they have to be and look a certain way. Freedom and individuality inspire confidence, and the other qualities you mentioned yourself (strength, courage and leadership) which is in itself a huge part of healthy masculinity.

    Acting otherwise promotes suppression of the self which on the outside may seem masculine, really isn’t, just promotes insecurity and to an extent, stress, more unnecessary aggression, which leads us right back to toxic masculinity.

  • Jun 23, 2020

    Faaaaakeeeee like when a girl tellin u how a man shud be but she ain’t got a d*** woooooooooo

  • Jun 23, 2020
    1 reply


    It’s real and women make men like this

    I’m not saying this to patronize women

    I’m saying it because it’s true

  • Jun 23, 2020
    2 replies


    It’s real and women make men like this

    I’m not saying this to patronize women

    I’m saying it because it’s true

    dont really think this is universally true, but jumping off this ... i get mad uncomfortable seeing women throw out insults that play into toxic masculinity.

    good example is my friend showing me some tweet about ben shapiro, where the woman essentially implied that he's hateful bc he "never got girls as a kid" (in funnier words but basically that).

    obv my friend thought it was hilarious but it was strange as f*** to me ... like we really tying your personality to how hard you pulled in HS ?

  • Jun 23, 2020
    2 replies

    Straight white males tend to do very “sus” things together and jokes They’re not as aggressive towards each other unless it’s someone they genuinely don’t like for some reason
    Scream and berate women in public

    While black males
    Have to prove how tough they are
    Have to retaliate to disrespect either verbally or physically
    No gay or feminine anything

    Both can be very misogynistic

    You right. This is just things we were taught growing up though and you had to do these things. If you let one person disrespect you and did nothing about it everybody else would disrespect you and call you a b****. Or if you didn’t want to talk to a girl on street your gay all of a sudden. I’ve fought and did stupid things because life would’ve been hell hanging out with my friends.

  • Jun 23, 2020
    Enlighten Brother

    You right. This is just things we were taught growing up though and you had to do these things. If you let one person disrespect you and did nothing about it everybody else would disrespect you and call you a b****. Or if you didn’t want to talk to a girl on street your gay all of a sudden. I’ve fought and did stupid things because life would’ve been hell hanging out with my friends.

    relate to that heavy. when i got older i got the chance to move out of my old neighborhood and make some new friends, but i still got some day ones that are grown men acting like this

  • Jun 23, 2020

    My friends be going the insulting gay people or making derogatory remarks. I like to make fun of them by playing deep into the role to the point they get uncomfortable and are at a loss for words because I'm much better a s***ty talking than they know.

    But women do be doing the utmost to belittle a man either by his manhood, the size of it, it's effectiveness, and very little about the personality because their feelings are hurt and they have an easy way to strike the ego.

  • Jun 23, 2020

    dont really think this is universally true, but jumping off this ... i get mad uncomfortable seeing women throw out insults that play into toxic masculinity.

    good example is my friend showing me some tweet about ben shapiro, where the woman essentially implied that he's hateful bc he "never got girls as a kid" (in funnier words but basically that).

    obv my friend thought it was hilarious but it was strange as f*** to me ... like we really tying your personality to how hard you pulled in HS ?

    In the way I’m saying is more-so Twitter-logic and social-media logic begging men to be anything but themselves.

    Some guys just need to be themselves instead of women trying to transform them into what they want them to be.

    This works both ways. Man could possibly be more toxic.

  • It ain’t real

  • Jun 23, 2020
    Enlighten Brother

    You right. This is just things we were taught growing up though and you had to do these things. If you let one person disrespect you and did nothing about it everybody else would disrespect you and call you a b****. Or if you didn’t want to talk to a girl on street your gay all of a sudden. I’ve fought and did stupid things because life would’ve been hell hanging out with my friends.

    And there’s always one nigga you’re around that loves to clown but wanna get serious after every joke somebody cracks on him s*** is a cycle

  • Reading through the thread rn. Only on page 2 but damn, a lot of you niggas are p**** lol

  • Jun 23, 2020

    I'm strictly speaking in the context of a "masculine man". Those are the traits you would associate one with.

    Or would you think masculinity is associated with spinelessness and failure to take responsibility in life?

    In another context you can totally be responsible and not be a man. Never implied that was exclusive to masculinity

    Masculinity aren't those kinda traits though simply because those aren't traits you can attach/assign a gender to.

  • Jun 23, 2020

    i still cant embed

  • coltrup

    dont really think this is universally true, but jumping off this ... i get mad uncomfortable seeing women throw out insults that play into toxic masculinity.

    good example is my friend showing me some tweet about ben shapiro, where the woman essentially implied that he's hateful bc he "never got girls as a kid" (in funnier words but basically that).

    obv my friend thought it was hilarious but it was strange as f*** to me ... like we really tying your personality to how hard you pulled in HS ?

    Oh women play a massive role in perpetuating toxic and hyper masculinity. Which leads to emotional, mental, and physical harm to boys and girls.

  • Jun 23, 2020

    Most toxic/hypermasculinity issues stem from a man just being extremely insecure with themselves and their interests because they never grew up past the "Oh that's for boys, that's for girls!" phase of their life.

    It's actually really sad.

  • Last thing imma say on this is you can still very much be masculine while wearing a dress. And if you can understand that then I'd say you are on the right track in understanding all this s***

  • Jun 23, 2020

    Absolutely and it’s not just men perpetrating it.

    Accept that men feel sad, cry and feel vulnerable too.

    Allow men to communicate their feelings without feeling like they aren’t a real man or are less of a human being.

    Men need encouragement to let their guard down and talk about their feelings.

  • Jun 23, 2020

    knew a man who pushed another man into a pond cuz biddies were watching... same man got run up for a blu jays jacket n wanted to switch schools cuz biddies was watching. dude was paging me in the locker room bout it for like 10 min straight
    i think its real and its kinda like you have to be watching somebody exhibit it to understand how sad it is if that makes sense.

  • Jun 23, 2020

    It's real and anytime someone chastises you for not being a real man, then they're perpetuating it.

  • Kengi 💭
    Jun 23, 2020

    I absolutely hate it. It is the cancer of society. One of my best friends always hangs out with some of those hypermasculine a******s cause he knows them from his childhood. It is so embarrassing when he is talking about getting b****es and so on.

    Like would you want to copy those idiots. Every girl in our friend group makes fun of him because of that. But he thinks it is crazy cool and makes him look tough. Trying desperately to get the recognition of those older guys.

  • IKARUS2020

    I grew up around strong woman my mom/ sister, also had always girls as friends as a kid, so i dont view girls just as objects you know

    That's not not being masculine but rather a decent human being