  • Mar 14, 2023
    1 reply

    Those characters are too good man. As I was getting further into the game, I kept missing the club games and them goofing off Really don't know how Ryukishi07 makes such likeable characters. Need him back on Ciconia so I can start reading that.

    I know you were gonna link the You -Destructive- version Every variation of that song is stupid good.

    Did you read Saikoroshi in Higurashi Rei? Pretty good epilogue to the finale, and felt more like a real ending to the story than ep 8 (I guess it is an epilogue lol, but I didn't get much of a feeling of an "ending" with ep 8 for whatever reason).

    I haven't actually read the extra chapters/console arcs but I do plan to at some point.

    Also I don't think I mentioned this but I actually got spoiled on who C is in Hajimari

    Not that bothered about it though since I don't think it will ruin the experience or anything

  • Mar 14, 2023

    I haven't actually read the extra chapters/console arcs but I do plan to at some point.

    Also I don't think I mentioned this but I actually got spoiled on who C is in Hajimari

    Not that bothered about it though since I don't think it will ruin the experience or anything

    All I read was that single chapter in Rei, since it seems like most of the other ones are kinda questionable lol. Worst case, can just check em out on YouTube since they're relatively short.

    As for C, I was also spoiled on his identity. Where'd you see the spoiler at? Fortunately, I wouldn't say it's a huge deal since it gets revealed pretty early on.

    Also, it's kinda obvious who it is if you remember one of the crafts that he and Jusis have, since it's the same animation from CS4.

    I got spoiled on the antagonist's identity in Kuro 2 a few days ago. Kinda sucks, but doubt it'll ruin anything. Been more than happy playing through Act 1 in English Think I've been spoiled on a good chunk of the Kuro 2 stuff, solely because I'll check for updates on the patch and just see some random spoiler. Prob gonna be the case for me for every game going forward.

    The violin on this is nuts

  • Apr 9, 2023
    1 reply

    I have an M1 Max MBP, would I be able to run kuro on that (steam or something?) and mirror the screen to my TV?

    smh this nutass series about to make me a PC boy

  • Apr 9, 2023

    I have an M1 Max MBP, would I be able to run kuro on that (steam or something?) and mirror the screen to my TV?

    smh this nutass series about to make me a PC boy

    Honestly not sure, only thing I have seen about playing Kiseki on Mac was this reddit thread

    I guess you could try to use a VM like Parallels. At worst if you are desperate and don't want to get a PC you could try using Bootcamp

  • Apr 25, 2023
    1 reply

    Just finished up Kuro 2 and its postgame. I need Kuro 3 immediately man​@​samfarron
    Gotta thank this guy for translating these games so I can actually play these 2-3 years before they get localized. Definitely going to be following his Kuro 3 translation when the game comes out.

    Will probably post my full thoughts at some point. Overall, definitely one of my favorites (recency bias be damned). I think this was the most fun game out of all of them, besides maybe Reverie. Very much enjoyed it being more character focused than the overall big story, since I think the cast is probably my favorite in the series.

  • Apr 26, 2023
    1 reply

    Just finished up Kuro 2 and its postgame. I need Kuro 3 immediately man​@​samfarron
    Gotta thank this guy for translating these games so I can actually play these 2-3 years before they get localized. Definitely going to be following his Kuro 3 translation when the game comes out.

    Will probably post my full thoughts at some point. Overall, definitely one of my favorites (recency bias be damned). I think this was the most fun game out of all of them, besides maybe Reverie. Very much enjoyed it being more character focused than the overall big story, since I think the cast is probably my favorite in the series.


    I was gonna say if you used MTL to finish Kuro 2 but just seen that youtube channel, that is some dedication to catch up on the series bro

  • Apr 26, 2023

    I was gonna say if you used MTL to finish Kuro 2 but just seen that youtube channel, that is some dedication to catch up on the series bro

    no lying I was going to just wait for whenever the patch was updated, but realized that since they were (mostly) using his translation, and since it's the same text, I figured I might as well just throw the vids up on my other monitor whenever there was a cutscene.

    I still had the MTL patch installed, so a lot of stuff still made sense, but obviously someone fluent in Japanese made it better. Really wasn't as bad as I was originally expecting it to be, but yeah, don't see too many people doing what I did lol. Wasn't going to ruin my experience just playing with the MTL patch because there is definitely some jank to it.

    One of my friends is on Kuro 1 now, and I knew he'd prob hop into Kuro 2 regardless, so that kinda helped make my decision

  • May 13, 2023
    1 reply

    Glad to see this was successful for Falcom, all that boycotting people was talking about was cringe

  • May 13, 2023

    Glad to see this was successful for Falcom, all that boycotting people was talking about was cringe

    Doing my part by double and triple dipping

  • Jun 30, 2023
    1 reply

    @redtruth be sure you've read the 3 & 9 books from CS4 if you haven't already. The books are quite good.

  • Jun 30, 2023
    1 reply

    @redtruth be sure you've read the 3 & 9 books from CS4 if you haven't already. The books are quite good.

    This was actually the review I seen, seems like theres so much to do in this game

    Also planned on reading that as well, heard that the two characters in the C route are introduced in that book

  • Jun 30, 2023
    1 reply

    This was actually the review I seen, seems like theres so much to do in this game

    Also planned on reading that as well, heard that the two characters in the C route are introduced in that book

    I think I could've written that review verbatim. Love this game so much

    I ended up reading the books after I finished Kuro Didn't realize how important they were. Really wish I knew to read it before hand lol. My buddy was hyped as hell going into the game after reading the books because of the characters in C's route (both are so good man )

    Also, I saw that Kuro 2 got a ChatGPT translation and it actually looks pretty solid. Still has some like, rigidness to it, but it's a hell of a lot better than what we had before.

  • Jun 30, 2023
    1 reply

    I think I could've written that review verbatim. Love this game so much

    I ended up reading the books after I finished Kuro Didn't realize how important they were. Really wish I knew to read it before hand lol. My buddy was hyped as hell going into the game after reading the books because of the characters in C's route (both are so good man )

    Also, I saw that Kuro 2 got a ChatGPT translation and it actually looks pretty solid. Still has some like, rigidness to it, but it's a hell of a lot better than what we had before.

    Haven’t kept up with the translations for Kuro 2 but I think someone was working on it? Are there still people doing that or do we just have to use MTL/AI?

    I was hoping that there would be some progress by the time I get to Kuro 2 but I know these things take time

  • Jun 30, 2023
    1 reply

    Haven’t kept up with the translations for Kuro 2 but I think someone was working on it? Are there still people doing that or do we just have to use MTL/AI?

    I was hoping that there would be some progress by the time I get to Kuro 2 but I know these things take time

    I've been checking periodically for the sake of curiosity, and there hasn't been a ton of progress since I finished it up a couple months back. I think I was on Act 2 when I started using that one dude's vids, so you can kinda tell how the progress has been

    (not really a spoiler, but has the Act structure, so I'll tag it just in case)

    I'm sure people are less inclined to work on it now with the AI/MTL translation being kinda decent (at least from the vid I've seen of it). Looking at the readme for it, they're doing some edits/fixes of that translation, so that's prob the best we're gonna get.

    edit: as for the 3 & 9 books, I'm pretty sure there's a 10th chapter in the link I posted above only has the first 9 for some reason.

  • Jun 30, 2023
    1 reply

    I've been checking periodically for the sake of curiosity, and there hasn't been a ton of progress since I finished it up a couple months back. I think I was on Act 2 when I started using that one dude's vids, so you can kinda tell how the progress has been

    (not really a spoiler, but has the Act structure, so I'll tag it just in case)

    I'm sure people are less inclined to work on it now with the AI/MTL translation being kinda decent (at least from the vid I've seen of it). Looking at the readme for it, they're doing some edits/fixes of that translation, so that's prob the best we're gonna get.

    edit: as for the 3 & 9 books, I'm pretty sure there's a 10th chapter in the link I posted above only has the first 9 for some reason.

    Damn, I can't complain since they doing it for free but that s*** aint getting done for a while

    Don't think I will be in a rush to play Kuro 2 after Kuro 1 though since my backlog is huge as f*** (and I will then have to start waiting for Kuro 3)

  • Jun 30, 2023
    1 reply

    Damn, I can't complain since they doing it for free but that s*** aint getting done for a while

    Don't think I will be in a rush to play Kuro 2 after Kuro 1 though since my backlog is huge as f*** (and I will then have to start waiting for Kuro 3)

    s/o to whoever works on the translation since only a handful of people are actually going to use it and it's a pretty thankless use of your time lol. Any time I'd check to see if there was an update, I'd see a reply to one that'd say something to the effect of "stop wasting your time, game sucks kys" or some s*** But yeah, basically no significant progress for the manual TL in a few months isn't great.

    Were you planning on starting Kuro 1 after Reverie?

  • Jun 30, 2023
    1 reply

    s/o to whoever works on the translation since only a handful of people are actually going to use it and it's a pretty thankless use of your time lol. Any time I'd check to see if there was an update, I'd see a reply to one that'd say something to the effect of "stop wasting your time, game sucks kys" or some s*** But yeah, basically no significant progress for the manual TL in a few months isn't great.

    Were you planning on starting Kuro 1 after Reverie?

    Definitely, I feel like that game is part of the reason I started this series

    I remember coming across this video somehow and thinking it looked cool as s***, something about the battle UI just looked really intriguing to me + Shizunas animation was smooth asf.

    Looking back on this video now, Falcom really came a long way with the animations

  • Jun 30, 2023

    Definitely, I feel like that game is part of the reason I started this series

    I remember coming across this video somehow and thinking it looked cool as s***, something about the battle UI just looked really intriguing to me + Shizunas animation was smooth asf.


    Looking back on this video now, Falcom really came a long way with the animations

    Reverie and Kuro back to back gonna be a crazy good time bro, enjoy it

    And yeah man, they really have come a long way. Any time they've changed engines, the games end up looking much better. I'd be fine with future games being in the Kuro engine, but I'm sure they'll end up changing it again in an arc or two for Shiro no Kiseki or some s*** I'm a sucker for the over the top animations in the CS games, but Kuro's look a hell of a lot cleaner/smoother.

  • Jul 1, 2023

    So ready

    Starting my playthrough on the 10th

  • Jul 4, 2023
    2 replies

    still can't even buy this s*** on PS store

  • Jul 4, 2023
    1 reply

    still can't even buy this s*** on PS store

    No pre-order? I can’t pre-order this on Steam right now and couldn’t pre order Zero-Azure from NISA either for some reason

  • Jul 4, 2023
    1 reply

    How good are cold steel 1 & 2
    ? thinking about giving them a chance since I can download them on my vita

  • Jul 4, 2023
    1 reply

    still can't even buy this s*** on PS store

    Think it's probably because there was a pricing issue with pre-orders for CS4 that wouldn't let people play the game, causing people to refund. Guessing they just don't wanna potentially deal with that sort of s*** again lol.

  • Jul 4, 2023

    How good are cold steel 1 & 2
    ? thinking about giving them a chance since I can download them on my vita

    Depending on who you ask, you're gonna get wildly different answers for those two lol. I love the games even though they're probably the lowest point in the series (I am incredibly biased). I'd definitely give them a shot if you're interested, especially since you can buy them for dirt cheap.

  • Jul 5, 2023

    No pre-order? I can’t pre-order this on Steam right now and couldn’t pre order Zero-Azure from NISA either for some reason

    no pre-order and no preload yet
