Still gonna dive right into Kuro 1 with fan translation cause I can’t wait that long
It would be huge if we can get at least near Kuro 2 before Kuro 3 drops though
NISA still hasn't shipped my Reverie LE
I haven’t even got an email or nothing about shipment yet
Still gonna dive right into Kuro 1 with fan translation cause I can’t wait that long
It would be huge if we can get at least near Kuro 2 before Kuro 3 drops though
Funny enough, I just saw that both the Kuro 1 and 2 translations got taken down within the past day or two Both mega links are dead. Might just be coincidence they got taken down with Kondo saying there's gonna be localization news asap, or it could mean more than that
I'm surprised you haven't gotten yours. My buddy who ordered from the NISA Europe store lives in Canada, got his shipped out and actually left the UK the same day. No idea what the hell's going on with their shipping lol. Not like it really matters since I'm getting it on Steam as well, but I do feel bad for the people who are waiting on their physical copies to get to playing the game.
Listening to some of the Reverie OST got me so excited to play this again
Already know I'm gonna tear up again when the credits hit
Guess there’s no preorder or preload. I somehow wouldn’t be surprised if this s*** still isn’t even purchasable at midnight
Falcom kills me sometimes
Think it's probably because there was a pricing issue with pre-orders for CS4 that wouldn't let people play the game, causing people to refund. Guessing they just don't wanna potentially deal with that sort of s*** again lol.
They might have f***ed up once for CS4 but releasing games halfway through the day is so strange man. I want to be on their side but then they do questionable things like this that no one else does
They might have f***ed up once for CS4 but releasing games halfway through the day is so strange man. I want to be on their side but then they do questionable things like this that no one else does
Oh yeah, not defending them. They're morons man They overhauled their shop site two weeks before their biggest release and somehow expect everything to run smoothly (along with releasing the same week as a federal US holiday, causing more downtime in shipping). They definitely make some bizarre ass decisions. At least it releasing later today will keep me semi-productive at work lol.
Out now, just about to read the final chapter of Three & Nine too, I love these two already extremely hyped to play their route now
Out now, just about to read the final chapter of Three & Nine too, I love these two already extremely hyped to play their route now
In the middle of a meeting rn and ready to play
Prologue finished
The intro with the SSS and all the characters from Crossbell had me cheesing throughout the whole thing, so glad Juna got to join them too, them smashing through the tower is an incredibly hard intro. A barrier to get over playing during the rooftop scene brought back memories too. I'm too excited about this game rn man. Also Crossbell independant again? We will see how long that lasts lmaooo
Haven't gotten to Cs route yet (I might be close? Just beat the Magic Knight in Reans route) but not looking forward to not having the abilities in Nightmare
Haven't gotten to Cs route yet (I might be close? Just beat the Magic Knight in Reans route) but not looking forward to not having the abilities in Nightmare
It's honestly a non-issue earlier on on Nightmare imo. Might make things a bit more difficult, but I haven't had any issues and I'm in Act 2 (I am just getting through C's actual part, so we'll see how it goes). The game gets really easy to break once it starts opening up. Only part I really see it being an issue with is on Abyss.
Still ridiculous that this happened in the first place though. With this level of quality control and the fan translations, really no reason to wait for the localization of these games lol. I will say, the official translation has been really solid. Happy to actually be able to talk to NPCs in this game.
It's honestly a non-issue earlier on on Nightmare imo. Might make things a bit more difficult, but I haven't had any issues and I'm in Act 2 (I am just getting through C's actual part, so we'll see how it goes). The game gets really easy to break once it starts opening up. Only part I really see it being an issue with is on Abyss.
Still ridiculous that this happened in the first place though. With this level of quality control and the fan translations, really no reason to wait for the localization of these games lol. I will say, the official translation has been really solid. Happy to actually be able to talk to NPCs in this game.
I just got to the C route, I love that Swins weapon works exactly as described in the book
Also my copy hasn't even shipped yet idk whats going on. NISA is a mystery
I just got to the C route, I love that Swins weapon works exactly as described in the book
Also my copy hasn't even shipped yet idk whats going on. NISA is a mystery
Swin's weapon is so cool Pissed I never read the books prior to playing for the first time. I never realized Nadia's teddy bear held her orbment, so I thought it was just a cute part of her character
Did you have any problems with the bosses at the end of either Lloyd's or Rean's Act 1? My first playthough, Claire beat my ass for some reason and trying to get the RP from the Rufus fight was a pain. Had no issues this time around though.
My copy hasn't shipped, but the label info was sent to the post office, so it's been sitting in that status for like two days now. My Canadian friend got his EU copy yesterday
Swin's weapon is so cool Pissed I never read the books prior to playing for the first time. I never realized Nadia's teddy bear held her orbment, so I thought it was just a cute part of her character
Did you have any problems with the bosses at the end of either Lloyd's or Rean's Act 1? My first playthough, Claire beat my ass for some reason and trying to get the RP from the Rufus fight was a pain. Had no issues this time around though.
My copy hasn't shipped, but the label info was sent to the post office, so it's been sitting in that status for like two days now. My Canadian friend got his EU copy yesterday
Rufus honestly gave me quite a bit of trouble, I went back in the Geofront, grinded to get Crescent Mirror and it was smooth sailing after that though. Claire also gave me some trouble, my strategy for her was to use Altinas order when she is about to use her craft that does hella damage, also used Fortune to reduce magic damage. All the boss fights have been really engaging in Nightmare so far, especially trying to get that bonus points
@wes turns out you can fix the link attack issue by using the tables from the fan translated version
Replace the file: Trails into Reverie\data\text\dat_en\
I would make a backup of the file you are replacing just in case
Rufus honestly gave me quite a bit of trouble, I went back in the Geofront, grinded to get Crescent Mirror and it was smooth sailing after that though. Claire also gave me some trouble, my strategy for her was to use Altinas order when she is about to use her craft that does hella damage, also used Fortune to reduce magic damage. All the boss fights have been really engaging in Nightmare so far, especially trying to get that bonus points
I did the same thing with Crescent Mirror on Claire. Did not realize how good it was until I got it. I also wasn't aware Wazy's S-Craft has all cancel on it, so I (accidentally) used it when Rufus was buffed up and made the rest of the fight much easier. Believe Rean has it on his newer S-Craft as well. Agreed on the difficulty. Not gonna complain since CS1-CS4 was incredibly easy the entire way through. Fortunately the final boss of this game is probably the hardest boss fight in the series, so I'm looking forward to running that back again.
Good looks on the file. Leave it to the fans
Impulse bought Reverie because I took too long on Azure and can’t find a physical for it now smh. Currently playing through Sky 1 on steam deck. Wish the other 2 games would go on sale cheaper. Granted I can probably just emulate those instead but I’d rather have them for steam achievements. I need to buy cold steel ii as well. I have 3, 4, and Zero all on Switch. I have 1 on both ps4 and PC
Man was excited to play this but I’ll wait until they fix the link attack bug. The fact that it actually breaks the gameplay is too much
Hope it doesn’t take months to fix