just found a nice niche where i can read multiple books where i don’t get burnt out, reading like 2/3 books about a certain topic or like from reading 2/3 books from a certain author and then switch it up to something new so i’m gonna try to keep that up for the next year
tryna rock with one a month in the coming year since 2022 I read like...3
no set list, just gonna hit one of the local bookshops every month and get something that catches my eye
30? 5 more than last year? I tried to hit 30 this year but I hit 25, like the year before. Feel like I'm at the cap.
My goal this year was 40, currently on 44, probably will read another one so I'll end up on 45 for this year.
For 2023 my goal is 40 books again.
30? 5 more than last year? I tried to hit 30 this year but I hit 25, like the year before. Feel like I'm at the cap.
i mean a book every 2 weeks is very solid imo
just getting back into reading, so i'm keeping it simple for now. gonna try to read at least 10 books this year.
1 book a fortnight! 1 down!
Or… roughly 250 pages. I want to avoid rushing and enjoy it!
bought like 6 books last week. would like to read them all this year and some manga. Also dune.
Idk if i'm at 1 book per month level yet
in 2021 I set a quantitative goal of 52 and was able to pass it but for 2022 it's more qualitative and as long as I get to like 30+ I'll be happy
want to read more non-fiction and write my thoughts and takeaways from each book after I finish it
fiction wise, last year I was reading more contemporary fiction but this year I want to read more of the classics and more challenging work in general
already got a pretty good reading list I'm excited to read through
how bout y'all? we can check up on this thread as the year goes on to hold each other accountable too
2020/2021 i read like 20-30 books,
and in 2022 that number dropped to 2...
Hoping to be back in the 20s again this year. Just went n picked up
timelss - r a salvatore
children of dune - frank herbert
need to finish off a chapter or two in:
a clockwork orange
& imperfect birds - anne lamott
tryna rock with one a month in the coming year since 2022 I read like...3
no set list, just gonna hit one of the local bookshops every month and get something that catches my eye
already read three this year
poetry for 2023. will still read some novels, i've read two so far and plan on reading another 2 but after that i want to explore whitman and william carlos williams. and slowly
2021-2 i tried to finish the unread book backlog i had and then some other new ones but finished just 10 books short. finishing one of those this year and abandoning the rest, getting the booklist monkey off my back
In 2021 I had the goal to read a book a month, and I ended up reading like 25, so for 2022 I wanted to double that number, essentially try to do the 52 book challenge.
However I failed so miserably, and only read 12 lol.
This year I purposely didn't set a goal, I just want to read at all times.
Can be big books, can be small, can be 10 books in the year can be 50. As long as I get back in the habit of actively reading.
And so far it worked, I've read 4 books this year already
new title for the new year, same thread
2023 looking like it's gonna be a busy year for me so not gonna set any numerical goals and just hope I can find time to read
here are some general goals it would be cool to reach
read more
Toni Morrison
read some authors I've seen recommended/discussed in this section
Don Carpenter
Mikhail Bulgakov
Herman Melville
read more non fiction
1 book about WWI, 1 book about WWII
Isabel Wilkerson
Hanif Abdurraqib
read more in spanish
keep reading Bolaño and work my way up to 2666
Mario Vargas Llosa
Fernanda Melchor
halfway through the year, how we doing?
gotta try to hit some more of my goals in the second half. been reading a lot in Spanish and read some non fiction but still gotta get to the fiction authors I listed (besides Melville, wasn't feeling Moby D*** at the moment)
happy new year
gonna keep my goal for this year simple:
read more books than I read last year (25)
Already posted in the chat thread but I'll post it here again.
My reading goal was 45 books for 2023, but only read 31. Normally I'd always read 40+ books.
This year I'm not going for high quantities, I don't wanna pressure myself into reading that many books. It takes away from enjoying every single book and somehow I feel pressured to finish the book as fast as possible.
For 2024 my goal is 25. The books I really want to read this year are War and Peace by Tolstoy and The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky.
20 books is my goal!
been doing 12 for the past two years but wanna take it up a notch
5 books minimum. Haven't read in awhile tbh and trying to get back into it.
Started a fantasy series called Paternus and it's great if you loved Percy Jackson as a kid
Get through my backlog. These three specifically:
Brandon Sanderson - The Way of Kings
Leo Tolstoy - Anna Karenina
Andy Greenberg - Tracers in the Dark
Anything beyond is a bonus
I slacked so bad last year I read very little just caught up with life. Even when I had down time I watched a movie, tv show, played a game. My goal is to find at least an hour of time to read change my daily habits and structure time wise better. I will be more committed to reading this year and make changes for the better 🫡