  • Nov 9, 2021
    BlueChew Sean

    Hello friend Yeah it's just you.

    Y'all still bump MBDTF on the regular?


  • Nov 9, 2021
    1 reply

    I have great memories attached to the album

    But it's just not doing much to me anymore when I try to hear it

    Do you feel the same way or is it just me?

    nah tbh that album is still one of the best i’ve listened to especially with good fridays added onto there as well

  • Nov 9, 2021
    2 replies


    Thats his Yeezus

  • Nov 9, 2021
    3 replies

    TPAB is Kendrick's MBDTF

    I think NWTS is the closest Drake can come to making a MBDTF tier album

    Tyler could have one in his bag if he actually went through some s***. Right now his content is just "I'm lonely, I'm bi, I'm successful but this person still don't want me". All he needs is better content, to work with more people and I think he could do it tbh

  • Nov 9, 2021

    nah tbh that album is still one of the best i’ve listened to especially with good fridays added onto there as well

    I do consider it one of the best on a technical level because of how mindblowing it was when it came out

    Maybe in the right situation at the right time it'll hit again just like the good ol days

  • Nov 9, 2021
    1 reply

    I don't know Bas but can't imagine Vic and Logic dropping anything original, maybe some bootleg copy version of MBDTF but they would've already done it

    And Wale's lane is a bit different imo

    Replace Wale with Big Sean and my post is still facts

    And you sleeping on Bas. He top 5 right now, maybe top 20 of all time

  • Nov 9, 2021
    BlueChew Sean

    Replace Wale with Big Sean and my post is still facts

    And you sleeping on Bas. He top 5 right now, maybe top 20 of all time

    what's his best album? I'll check him out

    Sean's MBDTF already happened I think? It was Dark Sky Paradise, excellent album

  • Nov 9, 2021
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    TPAB is Kendrick's MBDTF

    I think NWTS is the closest Drake can come to making a MBDTF tier album

    Tyler could have one in his bag if he actually went through some s***. Right now his content is just "I'm lonely, I'm bi, I'm successful but this person still don't want me". All he needs is better content, to work with more people and I think he could do it tbh

    I feel like Flower Boy might go down as what ppl perceive as "Tyler's MBDTF"

  • Nov 9, 2021
    1 reply
    · edited

    I feel like Flower Boy might go down as what ppl perceive as "Tyler's MBDTF"

    We need to define what an artist's MBDTF is, because I feel like your idea is the widely recognized best album in the rapper's discography. I don't think DSP or SFFB are similar to MBDTF in content or sound

    Comparing Tyler albums to Kanye's is tough, but I'd say FlowerBoy is his Graduation. A bright more pop sound and mainstream acceptance with both albums

  • Nov 9, 2021
    BlueChew Sean

    We need to define what an artist's MBDTF is, because I feel like your idea is the widely recognized best album in the rapper's discography. I don't think DSP or SFFB are similar to MBDTF in content or sound

    Comparing Tyler albums to Kanye's is tough, but I'd say FlowerBoy is his Graduation. A bright more pop sound and mainstream acceptance with both albums

    True, personally I meant the album where they perfect their craft and/or artistic vision

    Tyler still got some maturing to do for sure though like you said. Whether it'll happen or not only time will tell but I doubt it because he's already grown enough to know better.

  • Nov 9, 2021
    1 reply

    If Asap Rocky stops trying a bit too hard I think he can. Abel already has MBDTF with Trilogy and Kissland

  • Nov 9, 2021

    If Asap Rocky stops trying a bit too hard I think he can. Abel already has MBDTF with Trilogy and Kissland

    Rocky needs his Purple Haze tbh lol

  • MarcoPreme

    Very overrated

    It’s good, but album of the decade material? No.

    Yeezus and Watch The Throne are better projects

    nigga said watch the throne better than MBDTF

  • NewCopeJustDropped

    Kendrick already topped that album twice.

    U a Kendrick stan? Not saying that in a negative way but I see a pattern lol

  • Nov 9, 2021
    1 reply

    He needs creative guidance though

    Define creative guidance I always been confused with that term because does originality come from that?

  • Nov 9, 2021
    1 reply

    after hours was perfect imo

    @Tomorrow I'll give it another spin

  • Nov 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Thats his Yeezus

    You need a MBDTF in order to drop a Yeezus you just can’t skip that progression

  • Crack Palm Stepper

    Define creative guidance I always been confused with that term because does originality come from that?

    He just needs some kind of yams figure to properly inspire him and breakdown ideas for a good album

  • Idk how rocky had a male muse but he did, not very common

  • Nov 9, 2021
    2 replies

    Albums that fall off after track 9? most Kanye music haven't aged well for me, he just doesn’t have that album I feel the need to ever go back to. He is a great artist though and a cultural icon, but the reason he has so many different eras is the different ghostwriters he’s had per era if we being 100% real

  • Nov 9, 2021
    1 reply

    @Tomorrow I'll give it another spin

    Idk if after hours is MBDTF level

  • Nov 9, 2021
    Crack Palm Stepper

    You need a MBDTF in order to drop a Yeezus you just can’t skip that progression

    They have very similar reception and I'm also referring to how they both changed up their sound heavy for them both. He obviously doesn't have a MBDTF.

  • NWTS is MBDTF tier. Even better imo, top 3 album of all time. I know that opinion isn't popular here, but you can't deny that it's one of the best albums in the last 20 years

  • Nov 9, 2021
    1 reply
    Crack Palm Stepper

    Idk if after hours is MBDTF level

    Yea I'll keep an open mind about it, see if it clicks. Trilogy was the closet Weeknd project to MBDTF for me.

  • Nov 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Albums that fall off after track 9? most Kanye music haven't aged well for me, he just doesn’t have that album I feel the need to ever go back to. He is a great artist though and a cultural icon, but the reason he has so many different eras is the different ghostwriters he’s had per era if we being 100% real

    Graduation probably hits the nicest

    That album is like a chocolate bar 🍫 nothing but sweet earworms and the content is mostly good for the soul
