  • May 13, 2024
    1 reply

    Children of Dune my fav so far, need to start God Emperor

    reading god emperor rn and it’s so good Frank doesn’t miss on just making great characters even 3000 years later i don’t feel like i miss anyone from the ogs, but it’s so bizarre at the same time getting accustomed to the terraformed arrakis

  • May 13, 2024
    1 reply

    reading god emperor rn and it’s so good Frank doesn’t miss on just making great characters even 3000 years later i don’t feel like i miss anyone from the ogs, but it’s so bizarre at the same time getting accustomed to the terraformed arrakis

    Yeah im really intrigued by the time jump and what it means for the setting, can't wait to start reading

  • May 13, 2024
    Fka Groovy

    These books are so weird bro

  • May 14, 2024
    1 reply

    Yeah im really intrigued by the time jump and what it means for the setting, can't wait to start reading

    another underrated aspect of it is how “pro women” it is, Frank made strong powerful women from day one like Jessica despite the more problematic aspects of the books philosophy with the whole gender innatism (Bene gessiert can’t look at their men gene memories cause men are more aggressive and might take control for example) but in god emperor Leto has a women only army cause men are too emotional for war

  • May 14, 2024

    another underrated aspect of it is how “pro women” it is, Frank made strong powerful women from day one like Jessica despite the more problematic aspects of the books philosophy with the whole gender innatism (Bene gessiert can’t look at their men gene memories cause men are more aggressive and might take control for example) but in god emperor Leto has a women only army cause men are too emotional for war

    Damn that's actually a really good way of flipping the whole thing in it's head

  • Jan 7
    1 reply

    Starting the book Dune Messiah. Any comments people would like to make?

  • RICH 💸
    Jan 7

    Children of Dune my fav so far, need to start God Emperor

    Forget if you’re still active but saw this thread was dumped and i agree for me at least (but almost thing it’s not subjective, bc frank probably hit his stride for the 3rd book) but yeah children of dune is the best of the first 5

    Post children of dune frank Herbert was kinda on some pervert type s*** from what I remember (only read part of heretics)

  • RICH 💸
    Jan 7
    1 reply

    Starting the book Dune Messiah. Any comments people would like to make?

    Have children of dune on deck to read after is the first suggestion I can make w/ in the context of dune

    Maybe I need a reread but dune messiah was kinda a stepping stone for the final og series

    Another suggestion would be to read “three body problem” if you haven’t already lol

    For so long dune has been my favorite sci-fi book series but I feel like I hadn’t read enough variety of sci fi before having that as my top pick. Now it’s a tie. Hyperion is also an amazing series of you haven’t read it

    Sorry for the convoluted reply! I hope you enjoy you’re reading :)

  • Jan 7
    1 reply

    Have children of dune on deck to read after is the first suggestion I can make w/ in the context of dune

    Maybe I need a reread but dune messiah was kinda a stepping stone for the final og series

    Another suggestion would be to read “three body problem” if you haven’t already lol

    For so long dune has been my favorite sci-fi book series but I feel like I hadn’t read enough variety of sci fi before having that as my top pick. Now it’s a tie. Hyperion is also an amazing series of you haven’t read it

    Sorry for the convoluted reply! I hope you enjoy you’re reading :)

    No worries lol I’ve read the first 3 body problem and I have the dark forest (still need to read it) but I want to finish dune first lol. I’ve heard of Hyperion but I’m gonna wait on that.

    Out of the Dune books, which one would you rate the highest or which is your favourite?

  • RICH 💸
    Jan 7
    3 replies

    No worries lol I’ve read the first 3 body problem and I have the dark forest (still need to read it) but I want to finish dune first lol. I’ve heard of Hyperion but I’m gonna wait on that.

    Out of the Dune books, which one would you rate the highest or which is your favourite?

    children of dune was my most satisfying read so i'd probably rank it highest but im due for a reread of the first

  • Jan 7
    1 reply

    children of dune was my most satisfying read so i'd probably rank it highest but im due for a reread of the first

    Damn really? ngl I wasnt really feeling cod until the last like 1/3 or so

    Not bad or anything just didnt hit like the first 2

  • RICH 💸
    Jan 7

    Damn really? ngl I wasnt really feeling cod until the last like 1/3 or so

    Not bad or anything just didnt hit like the first 2

    yeah, it was the opposite for me, as far as what parts you were fw. i felt like the first 1/3 or 1/2 was just, ok, until the sandtrout fusion s\*\*\* then i really liked it. this was like 7 years ago tho, so i dont really remember how i felt about the last third,i just remember liking the book more after the part i spoilered

    i need to reread the first three, but im reading another series rn so might not be till february that i'd do that. so it could all change. just recalling what i remember

  • Jan 7
    1 reply

    children of dune was my most satisfying read so i'd probably rank it highest but im due for a reread of the first

    Good to know. I've heard a lot of good and bad/disappointing from Dune Messiah. Honestly, when books/movies/shows give off opinions like that, it makes them so much better. I've read the first 40 pages of Dune Messiah and I like it a lot so far. I think I know why people dont like it.

    I heard God Emperor of Dune is very good as well. Is that true?

  • RICH 💸
    Jan 7
    1 reply

    Good to know. I've heard a lot of good and bad/disappointing from Dune Messiah. Honestly, when books/movies/shows give off opinions like that, it makes them so much better. I've read the first 40 pages of Dune Messiah and I like it a lot so far. I think I know why people dont like it.

    I heard God Emperor of Dune is very good as well. Is that true?

    Yeah god emperor is cool as well, more, “out there” than the first 3 imo

    Happy reading man

  • RICH

    Yeah god emperor is cool as well, more, “out there” than the first 3 imo

    Happy reading man

    Thanks man! I'll give an update when I finish Messiah

  • Jan 8

    children of dune was my most satisfying read so i'd probably rank it highest but im due for a reread of the first

    children trvther here too

    Messiah was good though if they don’t include that line by Paul i’m boycotting the movie

  • Finished Dune Messiah. Yeah that's not the ending I expected at all but I loved it. It was bittersweet and its not how others would've ended the journey of their main character. I loved the book but I guess more action would've made it as close to perfect as it could've been.


  • ·
    1 reply

    Going to start Children of Dune this Sunday. I heard it gets really weird with this one. Or is that with God Emperor of Dune?

  • AldErson

    Going to start Children of Dune this Sunday. I heard it gets really weird with this one. Or is that with God Emperor of Dune?

    gets weird with children continues it with god-emperor