  • Aug 6, 2023
    1 reply
    aaron xx

    the friend isn't part of our main friend group. she's more like part of an extended group but we all still very much know each other

    has this party happened

    if not just invite him bro

  • Aug 6, 2023
    3 replies

    How old is everyone involved in this scenario?


  • Aug 6, 2023
    1 reply

    has this party happened

    if not just invite him bro

    yes it's already happened

    but there's actually another one this weekend that he hasn't been invited too either

  • Aug 6, 2023
    1 reply

    I’ve never gotten this mentality tbh this is life bro that could potentially be the mother to his kids soon

  • Aug 6, 2023
    1 reply
    aaron xx

    yes it's already happened

    but there's actually another one this weekend that he hasn't been invited too either

    jus invite him bro

  • Aug 6, 2023
    slime wrld

    I’ve never gotten this mentality tbh this is life bro that could potentially be the mother to his kids soon

    he doesn't want kids actually

  • Aug 6, 2023
    3 replies

    jus invite him bro

    nah the person didn't invite him on purpose

    but not in a mean way its kinda just like i said in op, there isn't a foundation of a friendship there

  • Aug 6, 2023
    aaron xx

    nah the person didn't invite him on purpose

    but not in a mean way its kinda just like i said in op, there isn't a foundation of a friendship there

    they trippin

  • Aug 6, 2023
    1 reply

    issa core shenanigan like fr

    we all been friends with someone who was just crazy bouta bih and put off they friends for a bit because of it

    but to just cut em out is crazy

  • Aug 6, 2023

    Man if John wants to be a super simple let him

  • Aug 6, 2023

    Also if he wasn't invited to the party if i was him I'd also be like f*** yall imma focus on my life with my GF

  • Aug 6, 2023
    2 replies

    I have a friend like this rn. Personally I think the situation won’t end well for John or my friend. It’s not healthy to pour so much of yourself into a relationship because one day the person can just decide they don’t want it anymore. And the damage will be done. My friend has missed out on tons of hangouts and we used to FaceTime like once a week (he lives 4 hours from me). Now we barely talk besides the group chat and even when he comes down to Toronto, she’s always with him and he barely spends time with us.

    Ngl OP I was annoyed for a while because it kinda showed me how much some people are dying to be in relationships but if he’s happy then just fall back I guess. What else can you do? Personally I think any girl will eventually get tired of being the centre of any man’s life.

    And to anyone reading this saying life is busy, y’all are tripping, etc. this my homeboy over 10 years. We used to talk about hip hop, sports, everything together. I’m not expecting man to not be in a relationship or spend time with his girl. But don’t disappear? Lmao. It’s waste when a guy changes up who he was because of a girl. Suddenly bro doesn’t want kids and he wants to work for the government because she does. All because she’s been tugging your p**** for a year and a half? Cmon

  • Aug 6, 2023
    1 reply

    issa core shenanigan like fr

    we all been friends with someone who was just crazy bouta bih and put off they friends for a bit because of it

    but to just cut em out is crazy

    Yea this reads like some high school s***. Tell bro what’s good, invite his girl to come along, and it’s up to buddy to readjust or for y’all to just give him space yet keep him involved. It takes seconds to do and no mental energy

    I haven’t seen one of my best homie for 8 months now cause life is busy, that hasn’t made the friendship fade or the interactions different when we do talk. Y’all all tripping

  • Aug 6, 2023
    1 reply
    Love Life Utopia

    Yea this reads like some high school s***. Tell bro what’s good, invite his girl to come along, and it’s up to buddy to readjust or for y’all to just give him space yet keep him involved. It takes seconds to do and no mental energy

    I haven’t seen one of my best homie for 8 months now cause life is busy, that hasn’t made the friendship fade or the interactions different when we do talk. Y’all all tripping

    bro frrrrrrrr like bihs aside it's such an anxiety stimulant for ppl to have to feel like their friend groups are conditional like that

  • XxRAWRxX xD

    This is life OP

    She’s the one sucking and f***ing him

    When he thinks about his future it’s likely growing with her, getting married, having kids all that especially a few years into the relationship

    He’s not picturing y’all sitting around playing video games and drinking when he’s 35

    Priorities, don’t take it personal


    its a canon event its ok

  • Aug 6, 2023
    1 reply

    bro frrrrrrrr like bihs aside it's such an anxiety stimulant for ppl to have to feel like their friend groups are conditional like that

    May be even why bro don’t be involving them in his life him and his shorty ain’t receiving that type of energy from her friends type s***

  • Just stop f***ing with him. He’s clearly not really f***ing with y’all like that

  • Aug 6, 2023

    You sound like you wanna f*** your homie let him be happy

  • Aug 6, 2023

    bro complaining about how john happily shows up to plans with jill's friends meanwhile john's friends dont invite him out to begin with lol

  • Aug 6, 2023
    1 reply

    Why didn’t y’all just invite him to the party y’all be acting weird when it comes to little things like tbis

  • Aug 6, 2023
    1 reply

    Why didn’t y’all just invite him to the party y’all be acting weird when it comes to little things like tbis

    it wasn't my party to begin with. i don't have a say in who gets invited and who doesn't

    the person whose party it was invited people she has an actual friendship with - she doesn't have one with john because he spends all of his free time with jill

  • Aug 6, 2023
    1 reply
    aaron xx

    it wasn't my party to begin with. i don't have a say in who gets invited and who doesn't

    the person whose party it was invited people she has an actual friendship with - she doesn't have one with john because he spends all of his free time with jill

    Wait so how are they in the friend circle/group? Is this a person hosting a party that isn't part of the friend group and invited yall?

  • Aug 6, 2023
    1 reply

    Wait so how are they in the friend circle/group? Is this a person hosting a party that isn't part of the friend group and invited yall?

    yes kinda

    she is our friend but not part of our core friend circle. she's actually one of my mates cousins. thats how we know her but she still is very much our friend just not a close as our core circle

  • aaron xx

    yes kinda

    she is our friend but not part of our core friend circle. she's actually one of my mates cousins. thats how we know her but she still is very much our friend just not a close as our core circle

    Coulda just invited him and got to know him at the party ain’t that kinda the reason for parties? Plus ones and “hey can so and so come (that you don’t know but everyone else does and you can then get to know them better in a comfortable setting)”

  • Aug 6, 2023

    A tale long as time.
    Mans get gf and drops his friends that been with him before.

    Happens I just treat mans like a special appearance and will put back the same amount of effort put into our friendship that he puts in
    I ain’t chasing people like that especially when I’ve been with wifey for 5 yrs and I can manage being with her(we live together since 2020) and make time for my friends.
    Kid probably will come early next yr and if he tries to hang out I’ll be like well BEFORE I HAD A KID YOU WASNT THERE ALMOST AT ALL AND NOW U WANT TO HANG OUT???

    Just make new friends op