op tryn to smash the girl that didn't invite john to the party meanwhile said girl is mad lusting over john read btwn the lines
when did he say any of that? lol
when did he say any of that? lol
u dont know how to read btwn the lines
u dont know how to read btwn the lines
How do you know the girl that didn’t invite john to the party is lusting over anyone when he never said that?
I understand the concern over losing your friend but freezing him out is petty and will speed up whatever is happening
@op how old are you? genuinely asking
This is life OP
She’s the one sucking and f***ing him
When he thinks about his future it’s likely growing with her, getting married, having kids all that especially a few years into the relationship
He’s not picturing y’all sitting around playing video games and drinking when he’s 35
Priorities, don’t take it personal
The entirely depends on how old OP and his friends are
Late 20s? Sorry man it's over
Late teens? OP friend whipped as hell
your friend should find a healthier balance of how he spends his time but you also gotta understand that at this age people are gonna start making those domestic changes. i think as you described it dude is a little too dependent on his gf for social time but seeing considerably less of him at the same time isn't weird either
nah the person didn't invite him on purpose
but not in a mean way its kinda just like i said in op, there isn't a foundation of a friendship there
u cant b not inviting dude to sht and then at the same time be mad that he doesn't spend more time w u
I’m so annoyed you called her Jill but not him Jack
yea buddy trippin
i wouldn't hang out with him either. jake W
but yea op thats weird af for your friend to do that
its like he doesn't have his own time and everything revolves around her
i be looking at dads and they dont be having no friends. Her girlfriends are his friends now. LAME AF bro. You should tell him if you man enough...
This is life OP
She’s the one sucking and f***ing him
When he thinks about his future it’s likely growing with her, getting married, having kids all that especially a few years into the relationship
He’s not picturing y’all sitting around playing video games and drinking when he’s 35
Priorities, don’t take it personal
Definitely talk to him. Because yeah it is normal to spend more and more time with your partner as the relationship progresses but this sounds a little extreme.
if y’all have barely seen him in the past two years but he’s still regularly hanging out with her friend group then it shouldn’t be a big deal to just holla at your boy and let him know how you feel
How do you know the girl that didn’t invite john to the party is lusting over anyone when he never said that?
not you taking the bait
both of y’all are funny as f*** 😂